
  • 网络Membrane separation technology
  1. 本文主要介绍膜分离技术在味精、维生素C、柠檬酸、黄原胶生产中的应用。

    The text mainly introduces the application of the membrane separation technology in the productions of Monosodium Glutamate , Vitamin C , Citric acid , Xanthan gum .

  2. 利用膜分离技术将BI装置的产品粗己二酸中的杂质分离出来,得到精己二酸溶液的可行性及优点。

    Feasibility and advantages of separating impurities of the rude adipic acid from BI unit with a membrane separation technology are made .

  3. 酸性气体CO2的膜分离技术研究进展

    Progress of Membrane Separation in Separating Acid Gas CO_2

  4. CO2等酸性气体的膜分离技术研究已成为最受世界瞩目的关于能源和环境问题的重大课题之一。

    Separation and removal of CO_2 using membrane technology is one of the most important subjects about energy and environment .

  5. 气体膜分离技术已成为一种经济有效地脱除天然气中CO2、H2O和H2S的成熟方法。

    GMST is a mature method to remove CO_2 , H_2O and H_2S from natural gas economically and efficiently .

  6. 利用膜分离技术对天然气中的H2S进行处理。

    H2S was treated by membrane technology .

  7. MBR(Membranebioreactor)工艺是将生物处理与膜分离技术相结合而成的一种高效污水处理新工艺。

    MBR ( Membrane Bioreactor ) is a high-efficiency new sewage treatment technology which combines the biological treatment with the membrane separation technique .

  8. 应用膜分离技术回收VCM精馏尾气

    Recovering VCM refining tail gases by membrane separation technique

  9. 主要论述了一些高新技术在饮料生产中的应用,如膜分离技术、超临界CO2萃取、生物技术等。

    Some high techniques ( e g. membrane separation , supercritical CO 2 extraction , biotechnology ) applied to beverage production are reviewed in the paper .

  10. 反渗透膜分离技术在含NH4Cl废水回收中的应用

    Application of anti-penetration membrane separation technology in NH_4Cl waste water recovery

  11. 渗透汽化膜分离技术(PV)和传统的分离技术相比,它具有技术可靠、工艺简单、操作方便及费用经济等优点。主要应用于有机溶剂脱水、有机混合物的分离等,并部分实现了工业化。

    Pervaporation ( PV ) has been mainly applied in dehydration of organic solvents and separation of organic mixtures for recent years and partly industrialized .

  12. 电渗析(简称MAE)技术是膜分离技术之一,也是对草浆黑液中钠离子回收的可选方法,用直流电可一步从草浆黑液中回收苛性钠。

    Membrane assisted electrolysis ( MAE ) is a membrane separation technique , and is one of feasible methods to recover sodium from straw pulping black liquor ( SPBL ) .

  13. 渗透汽化膜分离技术和ABE发酵过程耦合,能够提高发酵产率和过程的经济性,其工业应用在很大程度上取决于高性能膜材料的研发。

    Pervaporation could be coupled with ABE fermentation to improve the butanol productivity and process efficiency . Moreover , the development of the membrane materials with high performance is key to the industrial application of the fermentation & PV coupled process .

  14. 反渗透(RO)技术已在我国许多电厂获得广泛应用,而电除盐(EDI)技术是一种新的膜分离技术,它们同是膜技术,但工作机理不同。

    Compared with Reverse osmosis ( RO ) technique , which is widely applied in power plant , Electrodeionization ( EDI ) technique is a kind of newly-developed membrane technique . EDI and RO are all membrane technique , but the mechanism is different .

  15. 将化学混凝方法与陶瓷膜分离技术相结合,开发了一体化陶瓷膜混凝反应器(CMCR),并对高浓度含磷废水进行了处理。

    A integrated reactor , based on ceramic membrane microfiltration and coagulation process ( CMCR ), was developed to treat high-concentration phosphorus-containing wastewater .

  16. 指出了可用于低压下从油田气中分离出轻烃和水分的两种无机膜分离技术:无形无机膜中的选择吸附Carbon膜(ASCM)和晶状无机膜中的选择吸附Zeolite膜;

    Two kinds of inorganic membrane separation techniques are proposed to separate light hydrocarbon and water from associated gas in oilfields under low pressure . They are the adsorption selective carbon membrane ( ASCM ) from invisible inorganic membranes and the adsorption selective zeolite membrane from crystal inorganic membranes .

  17. 木聚糖酶解反应与膜分离技术研究

    Study on enzymatic hydrolysis of xylan and its membrane separation technology

  18. 膜分离技术处理城市垃圾渗滤液的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Membrane Technology in Treatment of Landfill Leachate

  19. 绿色化学的膜分离技术在水处理中的应用

    Application of Membrane Separation Technique of Green Chemical in Water Treatment

  20. 膜分离技术在电镀废水处理领域有着良好的应用前景。

    Membrane separation technology has wide application in electroplating wastewater treatment .

  21. 膜分离技术在冶炼废水处理及资源回收中的应用

    Treatment and resource recovery of smelting waste water with membrane separation

  22. 膜分离技术在发酵及食品工业中的应用

    Application of the membrane technology in the fermentation and food industry

  23. 微滤膜分离技术在盐水精制中的应用

    Application of Microfiltration Membrance Separation Technology in the Refinement of Brine

  24. 渗透汽化膜分离技术的进展及在石油化工中的应用

    Development of pervaporation separation technology and its application in petrochemical industry

  25. 膜分离技术在镀镍漂洗水回收中的应用Ⅰ漂洗水的预浓缩

    Application of Membrane Separation Technique in Recycling Nickel Plating Rinse Water

  26. 无机膜分离技术在食品、发酵行业中的应用

    The application of inorganic membrane technology in food engineering and fermentation

  27. 膜分离技术在板蓝根颗粒生产中的应用

    Application and Research of Membrane Separation Technology in Banlangen Keli Production

  28. 膜分离技术在电镀废水零排放上的应用

    Application of Membrane Separation Technology on Zero Emission of Electroplating Effluent

  29. 纳滤膜分离技术在安全饮用水保障中的应用

    Application of Nanofiltration Membrane to the Production of Safe Drinking Water

  30. 对膜分离技术应用于甜菜制糖工业的渗出汁清净进行了研究。

    This paper studied the application of ultrafiltering membrane on diffusion juice .