
tún qí
  • anal fin
臀鳍 [tún qí]
  • [anal fin] 鱼身后部中央位于肛孔之后的一片孤单的鳍,有时能与尾鳍连合

臀鳍[tún qí]
  1. 臀鳍ii,5;

    Anal fin rays ii , 5 ;

  2. 东半球的淡水鲇鱼,体表无鳞,有类似鳗鱼尾鳍的很长的臀鳍。

    Old World freshwater catfishes having naked skin and a long anal fin more or less merged with the eellike caudal fin .

  3. 世界各地温暖水域中的大型食用鱼,背鳍和臀鳍很长象有三个分叶的尾巴。

    Large food fish of warm waters worldwide having long anal and dorsal fins that with caudal fin suggest a three-lobed tail .

  4. 白首鲤一种相关于鲤鱼和鲦鱼的鲤科淡水鱼,尤指欧亚品种,圆鳍雅罗鱼背鳍和臀鳍各一,形长,均与尾鳍基部相连,尾鳍圆形

    Any of various freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae related to the carps and minnows , especially a Eurasian species , Leuciscus cephalus . " It has one dorsal and one anal fin , Both long and Both connected to the rounded tail . "