
sè sù xì bāo
  • pigment cell
  1. 人参色素细胞培养的研究

    Studies on pigment cell culture of Panax ginseng

  2. 色素细胞的数量、大小和颜色深浅决定了皮肤的颜色。

    The number , size and darkness of melanosomes per pigment cell determines skin colour .

  3. 太阳光中的UVA辐射可使黑色素细胞氧化并损伤DNA。

    Sunlight in the form of UVA radiation causes oxygen in melanocytes to damage DNA .

  4. bFGF对人眼脉络膜黑色素细胞MMP-2和MMP-9表达的影响

    Effect of bFGF on the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in cultured human choroidal melanocytes

  5. 115例视盘黑色素细胞瘤的病例报道:2004年SamuelJohnson纪念讲座第一部分

    Melanocytoma of optic disc in 115 cases : The 2004 Samuel Johnson Memorial Lecture , part 1

  6. 由于黑色素细胞对UVA辐射引起的DNA损伤具有较低的修复能力,因此它们会较频繁突变,从而可能发展为黑色素瘤。

    And because melanocytes have a reduced capacity to repair DNA damage from UVA radiation , they mutate more frequently , potentially leading to the development of melanoma .

  7. 研究天然活性物对B16黑色素细胞的增殖、细胞内酪氨酸酶活性及黑色素形成的影响。

    It was investigated that natural active products affected the proliferation of B16 melanocyte , the activity of cellular tyrosinase and the synthesis of melanin .

  8. 目的:研究大黄有效成分大黄素甲醚对豚鼠皮肤黑色素细胞内一氧化氮合酶(Nitricoxidesynthase;NOS)表达的变化,阐明大黄对黑色素细胞的有效作用浓度和可能机制。

    Objective : To study the change of nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ) expression in melanocyte of guinea pig 's skin under the effect of emodin monomethyl ether ( EME ) and to explain the effective consistence and mechanism of rhabarb action .

  9. 第16d,复眼内小眼结构已十分复杂,小眼由角膜、角膜细胞、晶锥、晶锥细胞、虹膜色素细胞、小网膜细胞等组成。

    The structure of the ommatidia was highly complex , and the ommatidia were made up of cornea , corneagenous cell , crystalline cone , crystalline cone cell , iris pigmental cell , retinular cell , and so on 16 days after spawning .

  10. 自体全厚皮片表皮内黑色素细胞的超微结构观察

    Study on ultrastructures of melanocytes in the epidermis of cutaneous autografts

  11. 构建含黑色素细胞以及血管结构的组织工程皮肤的研究

    Reconstruction of a Pigmented Tissue Engineering Skin Containing Capillary-like Network

  12. 甲单位蓝色黑色素细胞痣:2例报道(法语)

    Nail unit blue melanocyte nevi : 2 Case reports ( Fren )

  13. 胎儿内耳黑色素细胞的发生Ⅰ。

    The development of melanocytes in fetal inner ear I.

  14. 在培养的角质形成细胞和成纤维细胞中年龄与黑色素细胞刺激因子的相关性

    Correlation between age and the secretions of melanocyte-stimulating cytokines in cultured keratinocytes and fibroblasts

  15. 黑色素细胞癌主要治疗方式为手术切除。中枢神经系统黑色素细胞肿瘤的影像学分析

    Analysis of the Imaging Manifestations of the Melanocytic Neoplasms in the Central Nervous System

  16. 黄色素细胞含黄色素的色素细胞。

    A chromatophore that contains a yellow pigment .

  17. 圆形切除面部良性小丘疹圆顶形黑色素细胞痣

    Round excision of small , benign , papular and dome-shaped melanocytic nevi on the face

  18. α-黑色素细胞刺激素对白细胞介素-1β发热的解热机理研究

    Studies on the mechanism of α - msh in reducing il-1 β - induced fever

  19. 褪色丧失或转移正常的着色黑色素细胞癌常转移侵犯至肺部。

    Loss or removal of normal pigmentation .

  20. 色素细胞在表皮之下形成色素层,呈不规则分支状或块状。

    The chromatophores layer was found to lie beneath the epidermis and was irregular in shape .

  21. 没有人知道为什么免疫细胞攻击并杀死黑色素细胞在白癜风患者。

    No one knows why the immune cells attack and kill the melanocytes in patients with vitiligo .

  22. α-黑色素细胞刺激素对急性呼吸窘迫综合征大鼠血清细胞因子水平的影响

    Effect of α - melanocyte stimulating hormone on serum cytokine levels in rats with acute respiratory distress syndrome

  23. 由于皮肤黑色素细胞瘤有潜在的病死风险以及需要迫切的适时处理,故本病十分重要。

    Cutaneous melanoma is an important disease entity for its potential fatality and its urgency of timely management .

  24. 表皮包括免疫细胞,感官接受体,色素细胞和产生细胞的角蛋白。

    The epidermis contains cells involved in immune defenses , sensory receptors , pigment cells , and keratin-producing cells .

  25. 观察不同浓度外源性雌激素(已烯雌酚)对体外培养面部皮肤黑色素细胞的增殖的影响。

    To observe the effect of different concentrations of exogenous estrogen ( diethylstilbestrol ) on cultured human melanocyte in face .

  26. 因此,激光治疗是否对色素细胞的代谢功能产生永久性损伤,尚需进一步的研究和探讨。

    So , whether the laser treatment can do permanent injure to the metabolism of melanocytes still need further study and discussion .

  27. 在黑色素细胞内部有细小的色素颗粒构成。电子显微镜下见色素颗粒堆积于细胞质内。

    Inside these melanocytes the formation of pigment granules takes place . Under electron microscopy , granular siderosomes are present within cytoplasm .

  28. 绘制了1~60日龄大菱鲆鱼苗形态发育图,同时观察拍摄不同发育时期体表黑色素细胞的形态变化。

    The morphological developments and changes of body color at different stages of 1 to 60 days old larvae were observed and photographed .

  29. 目的探讨接种大剂量卡介苗活菌对晚期恶性黑色素细胞瘤的疗效和技术细节。

    Objective To discuss the effects and technological details of vaccination of large dose of BCG live vaccine treating late stage of melanoma .

  30. 恶性黑色素细胞瘤在生长的过程中常有转移至肺部的现象,但是支气管内转移则是非常罕见。

    Malignant melanoma has a tendency to metastasize to the lung during the course of tumor growth , but endobronchial metastasis is rare .