
  • 网络xenophon;CCER;Sinofin
  1. 反对者和赞成者势均力敌,此前澳大利亚各部长未能与来自南澳大利亚的独立参议员尼克•色诺芬(NickXenophon)达成协议。他要求对该法案进行修改,以便资助修缮境况不佳的墨累-达令河水利体系。

    The vote was tied after ministers failed to reach a deal with Nick Xenophon , an independent senator from South Australia , who had demanded amendments to the bill to finance improvements to the ailing Murray - Darling river system .

  2. 古雅典的哲学家(公元前470-399年);柏拉图和色诺芬的老师。

    Ancient Athenian philosopher ( 470-399 BC ); teacher of Plato and Xenophon .

  3. 色诺芬的经济思想

    The Economic Thought of Xenophon

  4. 色诺芬的全部著作中,苏格拉底前后一贯地主张美的功利主义观点。

    In all Xenophon 's works , Socrates stuck to the utilitarianism of beauty all the time .

  5. 色诺芬一向被视为古典时期最具影响力的亲斯巴达分子,证据就是他的《斯巴达政制》。

    Xenophon has always been seen as the most influential lakonizer during the classical times because he wrote Spartan Constitution .

  6. 第三节介绍了苏格拉底、柏拉图、色诺芬等古希腊哲人对于男性同性恋问题的看法。

    Section three describes the views of Socrates , Plato , Xenophon and other ancient Greek philosopher to homosexual issues .

  7. 同时古希腊经济思想也发展到其顶峰时期,柏拉图、色诺芬、尤其是亚里士多德的经济思想,代表了古希腊经济思想的最高成就。

    Meanwhile Greeks had reached the peak of the ancient economic thought , the thoughts of Xenophon , Plato and Aristotle presented the top achievement in the ancient Greece .

  8. 该文尝试从清理《斯巴达政制》的研究史出发,澄清色诺芬的写作意图按施特劳斯的阐释实际是讥讽异邦斯巴达的生活方式及其精神。

    This article tries to clarify the academic history of Spartan Constitution and makes clear that , the intention of the work , according to the interpretation of Leo Strauss , is actually a satire of " foreign polis ", Sparta , and her spirit .