
  1. 清华大学心理学系系主任彭凯平在接受《新闻晨报》采访时表示,该调查结果“应受到重视”。

    Peng Kaiping , the head of the Psychology Department of Tsinghua University told Shanghai Morning Post that the survey " should be taken seriously " .

  2. 彭凯平还补充道,受访者在满意和不满意的选项中两极分化比较明显,且大多数人将金钱作为衡量幸福与否的重要标准,这都值得引起注意。

    Peng added , the fact that the respondents clearly spilt on " content " and " discontent " calls for attention , as well as that most respondents see money as an outstanding measure of happiness .