
  1. 随着自动化控制设备、工业控制网络及计算机技术的发展,越来越多的工厂已经从原来的继电器控制不断向PLC控制转变。

    With the development of automatic control equipment , industry control network and computer technology , more and more factories has already changed into PLC convert control system from relay .

  2. 针对一般运输机械、生产自动化控制设备运行工况,设计了基于EDA技术的数字控制系统,用可编程逻辑器件实现数据并行处理方式;

    The digital control system based on EDA is designed special for the move condition of transport or automation control equipments . Data parallel processing is achieved by programmable logic device .

  3. WCB-400型稳定土拌和站自动化控制设备的改进

    The Improvement of Automatic Control Device of WCB-400 Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant

  4. 电气传动及自动化控制设备可靠性测试方法的探讨

    Discussion of Reliability Measure Way for Electrical Drive and Automation Control Equipment

  5. 自动化控制设备的发展促进了嵌入式远程视频传输设备的广泛使用。

    The development of automatic control device accelerates the wide usage of the embedded devices transmitting the remote video .

  6. 采用自动化控制设备和技术实现恒压供水,是供水领域技术革新的必然趋势。

    Automation control equipment and technology to achieve constant pressure water supply , is an inevitable trend in the field of technological innovation of water supply .

  7. 这种高效的数据采集与处理系统,可广泛地应用于各种智能仪表、自动化控制设备中,有着非常好的市场应用前景。

    This data acquiring and processing system can be applied to various intelligence instruments and automatic control equipments , and there is a very good market foreground .

  8. 产品广泛应用于环保、冶金、木工、纺织、印刷包装等自动化控制设备。

    The product applies in auto immunization control settings , such as , protecting environments , metallurgy , woodworking , textile , printing on packing and so on .

  9. 现场总线是一种串行的数字数据通信链路,它沟通了生产领域的基本控制过程之间以及与更高层次控制过程的自动化控制设备之间的联系。

    Field bus is a kind of serial digital data communication chain way , it links up to basically control in production field and high levels control course in the automation 's control equipment .

  10. 腾盛流体控制是一家专业于开发、生产及销售自动化流体控制设备的制造商,同时也是专业的流体控制制程方案解决商。

    TENSUN is a manufacture specialized in R & D and sales of hydro control equipment , and also provides hydro control process resolutions for customers .

  11. 选矿药剂的自动添加系统是浮选过程自动化控制不可缺少的设备。

    Automatic reagent adding is necessary for flotation automatic control .

  12. 自动化控制系统开发设备改造工程。

    Automatic Control System equipment renovation project .

  13. 水轮机调速器是水电站实现自动化控制的主要设备。

    Hydroturbine governor is a main equipment to realize the automation in the hydropower station .

  14. 管材的自动测长、称重、喷码系统的也正是管材加工行业建设自动生产线实现自动化控制的重要设备。

    Pipe automatic length measuring , weighing , coding system is the pipe processing industries in the construction of automatic production line automation control equipment .

  15. 而且由于高炉及热风炉生产连续性的要求,在自动化控制系统设计及设备选择上有高可靠性及应急处理的要求。

    But because of BF and Hot-Blast Stove are continuous production , automatic control system design and equipment selection must have high reliability and emergency handling .

  16. 文摘:分析介绍了国内水厂自动化现状,并就水厂自动化控制工艺设计、设备选型及运行管理提出了建议。

    Abstract : the current status on automation of waterworks is discussed and recommendations on the technological design , selection of equipment and operating management are proposed in this paper .