
  • 网络automatic fire extinguishing system
  1. 综合楼设置自动灭火系统。

    The complex building is arranged with automatic fire extinguishing system .

  2. 水轮发电机水自动灭火系统设计

    Design for Water Automatic Fire Extinguishing System of Hydrogenerator

  3. 20辊冷轧轧机CO2自动灭火系统设计体会

    Design Experience of CO_2 Automatic Fire_ fighting System for 20_rool Cold Mills

  4. 该方法可直接输入语言变量,利用模糊定性和不确定信息或数据定量评价系统的故障风险,并以CO2自动灭火系统为例,详细阐述了该方法定量评价故障风险的全过程。

    Then a new fault risk quantitative analysis method for fireproof system , namely fuzzy deduction , is raised , this method can directly input language variables and can quantitatively evaluate system 's fault risk by taking use of fuzzy qualitative data and uncertainty information .

  5. 轻金属仓库自动灭火系统设计

    Design of Automatic Fire System for Storehouse of Light Metals

  6. 自动灭火系统设计和应用浅淡

    Talking about the Design and Application of Automatic Extinguish System

  7. 特殊建筑自动灭火系统设计和应用探讨

    Automatic Fire Control System Design for Building with Special Purpose

  8. 容错技术在工业消防自动灭火系统中的应用

    Application of Fault - toleration Technology in the Industrial Automatic Fire Fighting System

  9. 气溶胶自动灭火系统在内燃机机车应用的探讨

    Discussion on the Application of Automatic Sol Fire Extinguishing System on the Diesel Locomotive

  10. 某液体介质仓库自动灭火系统设计

    Self-extinguishing System Design of a Liquid Medium Warehouse

  11. 关于机车车辆采用自动灭火系统的设想

    Tentative Plan for Application of the Automatic Fire Extinguisher System on Locomotive and Rolling Stock

  12. 公司设计及生产的主要产品有:七氟丙烷气体自动灭火系统。

    Design and production of the company 's main products are : heptafluoropropane gas automatic fire extinguishing system .

  13. 高压单相流细水雾自动灭火系统的研制及火场温度监测

    Research Manufacture on Automatic Single-fluid High-press ure Water Mist Fire Suppression System and Monitoring on Temperature of Fire Scene

  14. 喷嘴是二氧化碳自动灭火系统中使用数量最多、最重要的部件。

    In carbon dioxide automatic fire extinguishing systems , nozzles are the most important parts with the largest amount being used .

  15. 实验证明该系统稳定性高、适应性强、实时性好、定位准确,可应用于自动灭火系统。

    Through experiments it proved that the system can be applied to fire automation system with high stability , strong adaptability and good locating accuracy .

  16. 二氧化碳灭火系统是气体自动灭火系统之一,也是目前我国消防产品中实际生产量较大的一类产品。

    Carbon dioxide extinguishing system is one kind of the automatic gas extinguishing systems . At present , it is a main fire product in our country .

  17. 本文主要分析和探讨了气溶胶自动灭火系统在内燃机机车的应用,介绍了该系统的技术方案及设计计算。

    The paper mainly discusses the application of automatic sol fire extinguishing system on the diesel locomotive . The features , technical plan and design calculation of the system are introduced .

  18. 该系统应用历史较长,工作性能稳定,安全可靠,维护管理方便,不污染环境,可用于各种建筑物中允许用水灭火的保护对象和场所,是目前应用最广泛的固定自动灭火系统。

    The application of the system has a longer history and is currently the most widely used , because of its stability , reliability and security , which can be used for various buildings fire water .

  19. 配合悬挂式自动灭火系统的研制,本文系统开展了火灾自动报警控制器、联动装置的设计、制作、系统联调和优化。

    Associated with the design of automatic fire extinguishing system , in this dissertation we have completed a system of automatic fire alarm controller and optimized the system . In the past , controllers and alarm systems had been designed separately .

  20. 介绍了大型会展中心、大跨度低矮空间及燃油燃气锅炉房几类建筑自动灭火系统的设计及应用。

    This paper introduces the design and application of the automatic extinguish system equipped in some kinds of buildings such as large - scale conference - exhibition hall , large - span and lower space , and oil / gas burning boiler room , etc.

  21. 基于PLC的主变压器自动灭火控制系统

    The water-springing extinguishing system for the main transformer based on PLC

  22. 湿式自动喷水灭火系统的设计与施工典型报刊印刷车间CO2消防系统设计分析

    The Design and Construction of Wet Type Automatic Water Spraying Fire Extinguishing System CO_2 Fire Extinguishing System in Typical Newspaper Printing Workplace

  23. 自动喷水灭火系统喷头和管网的设计与思考FAS消防自动化系统,自动火灾报警、动喷淋系统。

    Considerations in the Deign of Spray Nozzle and Pipe Network of Automatic Sprinkler System FAS ( Fire-fighting Automation System ), includes automatic fire alarm system and sprinkler system .

  24. 本文从消防安全入手,结合算例对《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范GB50084-2001》中仓储式超市的相关规定进行了研究。

    Combining with practical project , this paper advances step to make an analysis in the " code of design for fire sprinkler systems GB50084-2001 " from the security of bulk supermarket .

  25. 分析认为《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》(GBJ84-85)和(GB50084-2001)中系统设计流量算式存在着不够完善或比较繁琐,且难实际操作的问题。

    The calculation formula to determine the design discharge in the Design Norms of Automatic Sprinkling System ( GBJ84-85 ) and ( GB50084-2001 ) are inadequate and complicated , and not easy to use .

  26. 本文根据工程设计实践结合《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》(GB50084-2001)对系统中的几个问题,如消防水箱及增压、水泵接合器及末端试水装置等,提出个人观点和看法。

    According to engineering practice and the Code of Design for Sprinkling Extinguish Systems ( GB50084-2001 ), personal points of views on fire water tank and pressurization , water pump connecter , terminal testing device , etc. are presented .

  27. 《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》(GBJ84-85)修订本送审稿已于1998年12月18日通过审查。

    The revision of the Design Norm of Automatic Sprinkling Fire System ( GBJ 84-85 ) was passed on December 18 , 1998 . This is the first special design norm for fire system in this country .

  28. 关于高层自动喷水灭火系统几个注意的问题

    Some key problems for sprinkler system design in high rise building

  29. 建筑消防自动喷水灭火系统水力计算及其程序开发

    Hydraulic Computation and Program Exploitation of Building Fire Automatic Sprinkling System

  30. 浅谈自动喷水灭火系统施工中若干通病

    Discusses in shallowly the automatic deluge system construction certain common failing