
zì zhù lǚ xíng
  • Self-help travel;budget travelling
  1. 在这里,他们碰到了其他很多也想自助旅行的人,这些人都很急切地想知道他们旅行的各种细节。于是,这对小夫妻出版了一本书,来专门讲述自己的旅游经历。

    Here they met with many other people who want to travel on their own , all of whom are eager to know the details of their travels . So the couple published a book to share their travel experiences .

  2. 正在做环游欧洲自助旅行。

    We 're on a trip through Europe on our own .

  3. 这可不是去自助旅行呀。

    This isn 't what you 'd call a spontaneous trip .

  4. 英国对自助旅行和背包旅行也十分欢迎。

    Britain 's independent hostels and backpackers hostels also offer a great welcome .

  5. 当我旅行时,我总是自助旅行。

    When I travel , I always travel independently .

  6. 打工结束后我能够自助旅行吗?

    Can I travel after my job finishes ?

  7. 她喜爱自助旅行自由的感觉。

    She loves the freedom of independent travel .

  8. 尤妮丝:我等不及下个月要去环欧自助旅行了!

    Eunice : I 'm going backpacking across Europe next month . I can 't wait !

  9. 然而,男性自助旅行的性别意涵是多重的、因人而异的。

    However , the social meaning and gendered implications of male independent travels are multiple and personal .

  10. 当然,也是自助旅行的一种途径,同时也是一种生活体验。

    Sure , it 's a way to fund your travels , but also the experience of a lifetime .

  11. 但是你可以利用雇主给你的休假和工作之馀的时间,在当地自助旅行。

    However , you are allowed to travel during your days off and any vacation that your employer gives you .

  12. 我毫不费劲就意识到:西非即将褪去其自助旅行天堂的形象并准备迎接全新的游客。

    IT is easy to pinpoint the exact moment when I realized West Africa was ready to shed its backpacker haven image and embrace a new kind of traveler .

  13. 很多游客是以自助方式旅行的。

    Many visitors arrange their own trips .