
zì cán
  • feel ashamed
自惭 [zì cán]
  • [feel ashamed] 自己感到惭愧

  • 听了他这番话,我更感自惭

  1. 特德的话让我感到自惭。

    Ted 's words humbled me

  2. 我就不敢再想下去,并面对这宏图大业自惭德薄能鲜。

    I shrink from the contemplation , and humble myself before the magnitude of the undertaking .

  3. 这说明他们已失去了那种自惭多罪的感受,并感到自己已在某些思想家和空想者中间受到一种说不上是什么的不自觉的支持。

    A sign that they are losing the sense of their criminality , and that they feel , even among thinkers and dreamers , some indefinable support which the latter themselves know not of .

  4. 小时候曾捡废金属卖钱的她,于1978年以实习生的身份进入巴西国家石油公司,逐渐对这家国有石油生产商了如指掌,足以让任何一个老板自惭形愧。

    After collecting scrap metal for cash as a child , she joined Petrobras as an intern in 1978 and accumulated an encyclopedic knowledge of Brazil 's state-controlled oil producer that would put any boss to shame .