
  • 网络spin coupling;spin-spin coupling
  1. 对嘧啶的邻、间、对位双自由基体系的自旋耦合规律的研究

    Study on the spin coupling rules of o , m , p - pyrimidine and its derivatives biradicals

  2. 因为重金属的引入可以有效的提高自旋耦合作用从而提高发光效率,甚至内量子效率可达100%。

    The heavy metals can effectively enhance the spin coupling to improve the luminous efficiency of the complex and the high internal quantum efficiency can reach 100 % .

  3. 原理包括化学位移和自旋耦合。

    Its principle includes chemical shift and spin - coupling .

  4. 其次,在非相对论电磁跃迁算符的基础上,讨论了它的相对论修正,包括轨道-自旋耦合项和多体项在内的相对论修正项。

    Secondly , the relativistic corrections to the transition operator are considered , which include spin-orbit term and Wigner rotation contributions .

  5. 结果表明,自旋耦合使得共振劈裂区展宽或压缩,且沿能量轴移动。

    The results show that the spinmagnetic field coupling makes the splitting zero broaden or narrow , and drift along the energy-axis .

  6. 本文主要分析了一对自旋耦合粒子的纠缠在海森堡自旋链的影响下的含时演化,还讨论了海森堡自旋链中纠缠随时间自由演化的情况。

    In this paper , the time evolution of the entanglement of a pair of two spin particles under the influence of the Heisenberg spin chain is analyzed .

  7. 自由基性质和铁磁耦合单元的不同位置对自旋耦合的影响较大,这些结论为有机磁性材料的分子设计与实验合成提供了理论依据。

    There are more obvious influences of properties of radical on the spin coupling , and stronger ferromagnetic coupling occurs between positive ion radicals , which provides theoretical guide for molecular design and experimental synthesis of organic magnetic materials .

  8. Ni~(2+)6X~-络合物g因子的双自旋轨道耦合系数模型

    Spin-orbit coupling parameter model of g factor for ni ~ ( 2 + ) - 6x ~ - clusters

  9. 本文提出了Z算符与角动量积算符相结合的广义积算符,用于描述高自旋弱耦合系统NMR实验谱。

    A New density operator formalism for describing high-spin nuclei systems-angular momentum product operator and Z operator was proposed .

  10. 还与中子散射数据符合.最近研究中发现的CdTe:Fe2+中配体Te自旋轨道耦合的重要贡献在此得到证实。

    The important contribution of the spin-orbit coupling of ligand Te in CdTe : Fe 2 + found in recent works is confirmed .

  11. 最后,我们还提出了自旋轨道耦合BEC系统在量子信息领域的一个应用。

    Finally , we propose a scheme to apply this system into the field of quantum information .

  12. 接着,我们还研究了具有自旋轨道耦合的旋转BEC系统的密度和相位分布。

    Thirdly , we study the density and phases of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate with spin orbit coupling .

  13. 用建立在强场图像和自旋轨道耦合机理的高阶微扰公式研究了ZnO晶体中Mn2+和Fe3+杂质中心的零场分裂。

    The zero-field splittings for Mn 2 + and Fe 3 + impurity centres in ZnO crystals are investigated by using the high-order perturbation formula based on the strong-field scheme and the spin-orbit coupling mechanism .

  14. 1f(7/2)壳层不同种核子组态核能谱与两体自旋轨道耦合作用

    The energy spectra of 1f_ ( 7 / 2 ) shell nuclei with nonidentical nucleons configuration and the two body spin-orbit coupling forces

  15. 研究了Dresselhaus自旋轨道耦合对铁磁/绝缘体/半导体/绝缘体/铁磁隧穿结中自旋输运性质的影响。

    We investigate the effect of Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling on the spin-transport properties of ferromagnet / insulator / semiconductor / insulator / ferromagnet double-barrier structures .

  16. 数值计算结果表明Dresselhaus自旋轨道耦合不仅可以消除自旋简并,而且可以导致不对称Fano共振电导峰的劈裂。

    It is demonstrated by the numerical evaluations that Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling eliminates the spin degeneracy and leads to the splitting of asymmetric Fano-type resonance peaks in the conductivity .

  17. 我们证明自旋轨道耦合将两分量玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体的基态相位差锁定在±π-2,从而打破了自旋沿x-y平面的旋转对称性,将自旋畴壁的类型限定在了布洛赫壁。

    We demonstrate that the spin-orbit coupling locks the relative phase of the two-component condensates at ±π / 2 , thus breaks the spin rotational symmetry in the x-y plane and restricts the type of the domain wall to Bloch wall .

  18. 而且发现考虑Dresselhaus自旋轨道耦合,当势垒中局域态的能量和铁磁电极中费米能相匹配时,系统中会发生TMR的倒置现象。

    Due to the Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling effect , the tunneling magnetoresistance inversion occurs when the energy of a localized state in the barrier matches the Fermi energy of the ferromagnetic electrodes . 4 .

  19. gR的计算值与质子和中子的自旋轨道耦合参数χ的差别有关,计算结果gR比Z/A小,比推转模型考虑了对能后的计算值大,与实验值是接近的。

    The calculated values of gR depend on the discrepancy of the spin-orbit coupling parameter x between the neutron and the proton . They are near to the observed values , smaller than Z / A and greater than those of the cranking model with pair-correlation interaction taken into account .

  20. 介观物理的粒子自旋轨道耦合和量子几何相位

    Spin orbit coupling and quantum geometrical phase s in Mesoscopic Physics

  21. 纳米环中基于自旋轨道耦合的自旋过滤效应

    Spin-filtering Effect Based on the Spin-orbit Interaction in a Nano-ring Device

  22. 自旋相关耦合双量子点的非平衡输运特性

    Spin - dependent Transport Through a Coupled Double - quantum dot

  23. 自旋轨道耦合系统中的自旋流与自旋霍尔效应

    Spin current and spin Hall effect in systems with spin-orbit coupling

  24. 薄膜畴壁自旋波耦合栅格设计

    Design for Spin Wave Coupling in Domain Walls of Magnetic Thin Film

  25. 自旋轨道耦合对量子点体系输运性质的影响

    Influence of the Spin-Orbit Coupling on the Transport Properties of Coupled-Quantum-Dot System

  26. 半导体异质结自旋轨道耦合量子线自旋输运研究

    Study on the Spin Transport of Semiconductor Heterostructure Quantum Wire with Spin-Orbit Coupling

  27. 文章作者研究了存在自旋轨道耦合的介观小环的平衡态性质。

    We investigate the equilibrium property of a mesoscopic ring with a spin-orbit interaction .

  28. 有了自旋轨道耦合效应之后,冷原子气体会表现出一些全新的性质。

    Due to the spin-orbit coupling ef-fect , atomic gases exhibit many new important properties .

  29. 自旋轨道耦合系统中的电流导致的自旋极化

    Current-induced spin polarization in spin-orbit coupling systems

  30. 当系统中存在自旋轨道耦合作用时,由此产生的电子自旋弛豫则形成负的磁致电导。

    If spin-orbit interaction exists in the system , electron spin relaxation will cause negative magneto-conductance .