
  • 网络Autonomy Party
  1. 我们相信,社区居民自治在党的坚强领导下,在政府的大力推动下将会迎来大发展时期。

    We believe that Community inhabitant autonomy certainly possess the brilliant future under the leading of the Party , under the promoting of the government .

  2. 试论村民自治背景下党的基层组织建设

    On the Construction of the CPC Grass-root Organizations under the Background of Villagers ' Autonomy

  3. 实行村民自治,是党和政府针对农村改革发展现状,顺应时代进步需求而采取的一项伟大举措。

    Practice the villagers ' autonomy is a great measure based on rural reform development present situation , and also the demand of times in progress .

  4. 第二部分,论述了村民自治给村级党组织的领导带来积极效应的同时,又带来种种困惑和挑战,提出了新形势下村级党组织传统领导方式创新的紧迫性;

    Chapter Two expounds the positive effect , the perplexes and challenges which the villager self-government brought out , puts forward the urgency for bringing forth new ideas in the style of leadership and activities of rural Party branches in the new situation .

  5. 村民自治背景下村级党组织职能研究

    On the Functions of Party Organization at Village Level in Villager Autonomy

  6. 村民自治条件下村党组织领导方式的转变

    The Transformation of Leads the Ways That the Village Party Organization Takes under the Villagers Autonomous Condition

  7. 完善村民自治,健全村党组织领导的充满活力的村民自治机制。

    We will improve self-governance among villagers and foster a mechanism of their self-governance full of vitality under the leadership of village Party organizations .

  8. 村民自治下,村党支部和村委会应该如何运作,才能在有效地保证党支部领导核心作用的同时,保障村委会职能的充分发挥,是一个迫切需要解决的理论和现实问题。

    Under villager autonomy , how should party branch and village committee operate , while guaranteeing leading nucleus function of party branch effectively , and ensuring village committee to play full functions ?

  9. 同时还要处理社区自治组织与社区党组织、业主委员会、物业管理公司和社区中介组织等组织的关系,形成良好的、互动的社区自治组织的生态系统。

    And it also means to deal with the relationship between the community self-governing organizations and other organizations such as community party organizations , proprietors ' committees , property management companies and community intermediary organizations , so that establish a well and mutually beneficial ecological system of community self-governing organizations .

  10. 村民自治制度要想获得较大的发展空间,必须妥善处理两个方面的关系,即国家与社会的关系和自治组织与基层党组织的关系。

    If the system of villager self-governance wants to gain larger space of development , it must properly deal with two pairs of relations , which are the relation between state and society , and the relation between autonomous organizations and grass-root Party organizations .