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  1. 自然之道、人伦之理&画梅的意趣

    Natural Law and Human Ethic & Interest of Painting Chinese mei

  2. 老子、庄子都提倡回归人性自然之道。

    Chuang Tzu advocated that people should back to nature .

  3. 这就是所谓的自然之道。

    That is the so called way of nature .

  4. 论张虹崇尚自然之道的文学思想

    Naturalness in the Literature Ideal of Zhang Hong

  5. 人类寿命无端地延长就是“积”。而“积”是违背自然之道的。

    Life of human extending artificially is called stagnancy which infringes the law of Nature .

  6. 女人比男人更接近自然之道,这正是女人的可贵之处。

    Woman is closer to nature than man , which just shows woman 's preciousness .

  7. 郭象的玄学体系熔传统儒家的伦常与庄子的自然之道于一炉。

    The metaphysics system of Guo Xiang combined Confucian ethics with Zhuangzi 's Principle of Nature .

  8. 树叶的衰老及死亡是树年复一年的节省水和生长物质的自然之道。

    The aging and death of leaves is nature 's way of saving water and growth chemicals from year to year .

  9. 从此与自然之道为伍,遨游于开阔的大莫之国中。

    After this , you may stay with the nature of Tao , roaming in the broad realm of perfect freedom .

  10. 道家思想从自然之道出发,重人性的自然,追求人的主体心灵的自由淳真。

    Taoism departure from the natural way , heavy human nature , the pursuit of freedom of the human subject Chun really mind .

  11. 如今人类文明在像孔子这类知识分子的破坏下,自然之道是愈来愈遥不可及了!

    Due to the human 's culture devastated by the intellectual like Confucius , the Tao of Nature is beyond to reach to the people .

  12. 下述文字摘自《自然之道》副总裁撰写的一份备忘录。《自然立道》是一家出售健康食品和其他与健康相关产品的连锁商店。

    The following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Nature 's Way , a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products .

  13. 其原因就是他们不能与自然之道相应,也因此他们与无形、无状的菩萨、佛、神等不能相应配合,在佛、菩萨诱导下行自然之道。

    This is why they can 't correspond to Tao or to Bodhisattva , Buddha and God who are shapeless and formless and can guide people into the Tao of natural .

  14. 本文细致梳理了道家自然之道与隐的关系,认为道家从本体道论到政治哲学,最后落实到人生哲学,都具有隐的本质特征。

    In this paper , meticulous combing the relationship of Taoist nature Road and implicit , believing from nominal Taoism to political philosophy , finally to weltanschauung all have the feature of recluse .

  15. 本章还从天人关系、自然之道、顺应自然等方面论述了《周易》的生态学启示,最后还总结了其哲学内涵。

    This chapter also Discuss the ecological inspiration of the " book of changes " from the relations between human and nature , the Tao of nature , complying with nature and other aspects .

  16. 自然之道引申到中国传统绘画之中就是绘画之道;文人画的绘画之道就是意象造型。

    In addition , the doctrine of nature , when being reflected in the traditional Chinese painting , is the doctrine of painting , and the doctrine of literati painting is the doctrine of image modeling .

  17. 早在战国时《荀子》中文以明道的思想已露端倪,汉代的扬雄则进一步提出了作者要遵循自然之道的问题。

    Early in the warring states period , Use the article to illustrate moral already exploding , till the Han dynasty , Yang xiong Puts forward that author is should further to follow the natural way .

  18. 道教倡导人身一小天地的天人合一思想,探求长生不老、超越自然之道,这些都为内丹学派的产生提供了理论与实践的基础。

    The theory of " correspondence between man and universe " is the theoretical and practical basis for the coming into being of the Internal Dan School , which provides practical means for the Taoist to practise the skills of internal dan .

  19. 庄子认为,人生通达要遵循无为的自然之道,守住真朴这个生命的根,超越物役物累,保持精神的独立和自由,内外兼养,适而不过。

    Zhuang Zi holds that understanding of life should follow the natural way of " inaction ", save the root of life & purity , transcend physical hardships , maintain spiritual independence and freedom and cultivate both physical and spiritual character to an appropriate degree .

  20. 另一是刘勰《文心雕龙》的文道观,它对道的理解不囿于儒家之见,指的是自然之道,并重视文的能动作用及其审美特点。

    The other held by Liu Xie , in whose masterpiece Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature , it meant by Tao natural law other than only Confucian philosophical and moral principles and put more importance on the dynamic role of Wen and its specific aesthetics .

  21. 刘勰的自然之道,钟嵘的气之动物,与气韵有着共同的旨趣,是分别从文学、诗歌和绘画领域对文艺本体论的表达。

    Both Liu Xie 's " Natural Way " and Zhong Rong 's " Energy Driving Movement " share the common purport with " Rhythm of the Universe . " They are the expressions of literary and artistic ontology from the perspectives of literature , poetry and painting respectively .

  22. 清新的龙井绿茶,口腔自然健康之道。

    For Longjing Tea freshness and a naturally healthy mouth .

  23. 让我们埋葬它转而寻求有确切疗效的自然健康之道。

    Let 's bury it and move on to natural health solutions that really work .

  24. 这是唯一的方法,自然使动量守恒之道。

    That 's the only way that nature can conserve momentum .

  25. 师法自然,环境净化之道。

    Learning from nature , it is the best way for environment purifies .

  26. 道教不仅将个体的生命融于宇宙自然之中,而且将复归清静自然之道作为修道的终极目标,由此而提升了生命的意义与价值。

    The Taoism not only integrates the individual being into the nature of the universe but also considers returning to the quiet and nature as the ultimate goal of practicing Taoism , thereby strengthening the value of life .

  27. 他认为人的生命是自然的产物,其奥秘就在自然之中,人不可违背自然之道而追求长生;

    Yan believed that the human life is the product of the mystery in nature and that man cannot violate the natural law to seek for longevity .

  28. “道”是融宇宙观、自然观、人生观为一体的高度抽象化的形而上概念。道家以“值”为本,把审美落实在自然之道上;

    The Tao is an abstract metaphysical concept , which includes the outlook of the original Taoist philosophers on the cosmos , nature and human life .