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liù lǜ
  • six bamboo pitch pipes among the twelve
六律 [liù lǜ]
  • [six bamboo pitch pipes among the twelve] 律,定音器(竹管)。共有十二个,各有固定的音高和名称:1.黄钟(C),2.大吕( # C),3.太簇(D),4.夹钟( # D),5.姑洗(E),6.中吕(F),7.蕤宾( # F),8.林钟(D),9.夷则( # G),10.南吕(A),11.无射( # A),12.应钟(B),合称十二律。区分开来,奇数(阳)称六律,偶数(阴)称六吕,合称律吕。古书所说的六律,通常是就阴阳各六的十二律而言的

  1. 他对五音的辨识异于常人,因此他对六律的调合,对金、石、丝、竹、黄钟及大吕等乐器的如何演奏非常挑剔。

    He was excellent in distinguishing various sounds , so he was overly fastidious at matching harmony and the playing instruments that were made of metal , stone , silk , bamboo , yellow bell and great tube .