
  • 网络Liupanshui;liupanshui city
  1. 三门峡农业生态环境问题和可持续发展对策六盘水市农业生态环境问题与保护对策

    Problems of Agricultural Ecological Environment and Sustainable Development Countermeasures in Sanmenxia City

  2. 对政府在资源型城市主动性产业转型中作用的经济思考&以贵州省六盘水市为例

    The Thinking of Industry Transition about Resources City

  3. 加强组工干部队伍管理机制研究&以六盘水市为例进行探索

    A Research of Strengthening the Management System for the Group of Cadre Procession Organization

  4. 在中国贵州省六盘水市六枝特区梭戛乡,居住着苗族的一个分支&箐苗。

    Qingmiao which is a branch of Miao Settles down in Liuzhi Suojia in Guizhou province of China .

  5. 六盘水市小学英语师资现状调查分析师范生在师范院校学习。

    Investigation and Analysis on Current Situation of Primary School English Teachers ; Student teachers study at a training college .

  6. 通过对六盘水市部分中学生的自残自虐行为的问卷调查和访谈,发现中学生自残自虐行为多种多样。

    Based on the questionnaire surveys and interviews of the part of middle-school students'self-abusive behavior , we could find there are all kinds of self-abusive behavior problems .

  7. 六盘水市小学科学教师思想稳定,学历达标率高,但知识面窄,兼职多,专职少,教学效率低,教育科研能力弱。

    The teachers in natural science classes have stable thought and higher academic credentials , but their knowledgeable scope is very narrow , they hold too many posts at the same time , their teaching efficiency is low and their ability of teaching and scientific research is weak .

  8. 对贵州西部毕节、六盘水等县(市)的水土流失状况进行分析,同时对该地区实施的各种治理模式进行调查。

    The current status of the soil and water loss in west Guizhou province were analyzed , and the existing various management models were investigated .

  9. 六盘水植烟土壤有效钾含量变幅较大,六盘水市烤烟生产中应适当增加钾肥用量,对于有效钾含量低于120mg/kg的地块应进行配方增施钾肥。

    The authors soil effective potassium content is larger , the range of flue-cured tobacco production shall be appropriately increased for effective potash , the content of potassium 120mg / kg below the plot should formula were increased .