
zì rán gōng yuán
  • nature park
  1. 周末时不妨到关渡自然公园一游吧。

    Then come spend a fun weekend at Guandu Nature Park .

  2. 我们在自然公园里面野餐。

    We are having a picnic in the Nature Park .

  3. “自然公园”同时还获得2000年里斯本国际多媒体节自然单元的最佳CD。

    " Monfrag ü e & Extremadura " also won the prize for the best CD on Nature at the International Multimedia Festival of Lisbon , 2000 .

  4. 加蓬自然公园的面积是世界上最大的。

    Gabon has the largest area of nature parks in the world .

  5. 作一个旅游广告给自然公园或一个山村。

    Make a tourism ad for a nature park or a mountain village .

  6. 在他休假的日子,他带他们去自然公园。

    On his days off , he takes them to the nature park .

  7. 试论我国国家自然公园的建立

    Demonstration of natural National Park established in our country

  8. 在城市里有个自然公园。

    There is a nature park in the city .

  9. 网鱼河自然公园,阿伯茨福德,英国

    Fishtrap Creek nature park , abbotsford , UK

  10. 沙拉:它是自然公园吗?

    Sarah : Is it a nature park ?

  11. 廊坊市自然公园总体规划

    The planning of natural park in Langfang City

  12. 日本自然公园的发展与概况

    A General Picture of Japan Natural Park

  13. 风景旅游规划的三元结构&来自澳大利亚自然公园的启示

    Three-meta Structure of Tourism Planning for Scenic Areas-Enlightenment from investigation on natural park of Australia

  14. 多么美好的一天!让我们一起去自然公园!

    Zoom : What a nice day ! Let 's go to a nature park !

  15. 有美丽的自然公园。

    We have a beautiful natural park .

  16. 本文讨论了在我国建立国家自然公园的重要性。

    This paper is discussed about the importance of natural national park established in our country .

  17. 在加拿大的曼尼托巴省骑马山自然公园里,白桦树长得直入云霄。

    White birch trees stand tall in Riding Mountain National Park , in Manitoba , Canada .

  18. 这是一个自然公园吗?

    Is it a nature park ?

  19. 自然公园在哪儿?

    Where is the Nature Park ?

  20. 不久,最大的麋鹿自然公园建立在了北京。

    Not long ago , the biggest nature park for milu deer was set up in Beijing .

  21. 《未来户外运动参加者》报告指出,这些短途旅行很多都是在加州所有的自然公园中度过的。

    The Next Generation survey shows that many of these day trips were spent at state parks .

  22. 温哥华岛西岸的托菲诺很受冲浪爱好者欢迎,离环太平洋自然公园也很近。

    Tofino on Vancouver Island 's west coast is a favourite with surfers and close to the Pacific Rim Natural Park .

  23. 大火烈火鸟布满了普罗旺斯卡马格区自然公园的天空,这里是欧洲最早的鸟类保护区之一。

    Greater flamingos fill the sky over Provence 's Camargue Regional Nature Park , one of the first bird sanctuaries in Europe .

  24. 你许多作品的拍摄地点都在森林、海边或是自然公园,你是否生来就亲近自然呢?

    Many of your works took place in the forest , seaside or nature park , do you born to close to nature ?

  25. 介绍了廊坊市自然公园的总体规划构思、总体布局和各分区景观特色。

    The article introduced the design concept , overall plan and respective feature for every landscape district of Natural Park in Langfang city .

  26. 作为美国最新的自然公园,黑峡谷努力想和西南部其他峡谷公园一样得到认可。

    As one of America 's newest national parks , Black Canyon struggles for the recognition enjoyed by that other canyon park of the Southwest .

  27. 修建计划里,运河将会夷平四个独立的自然公园,同时会穿过最大的淡水湖,尼加拉瓜湖。

    Plans show the canal bulldozing through four separate nature parks , as well across the largest freshwater lake in the region , Lake Nicaragua .

  28. 如果你想知道赏鸟是怎麽一回事,或是有哪几种候鸟会过境台湾的话,就到关渡自然公园走一趟吧!

    If you are interested in learning about bird-watching or the species of migratory birds that stop by Taiwan , give Guandu Nature Park a visit .

  29. 哈尔滨西伯利亚虎园是目前世界上最大的野生西伯利亚虎自然公园,占地144万平方米(约合355.8英亩)。

    Siberian Tiger Park is the largest natural park for wild Siberian tigers in the world at present , occupying an area of 1440000 square meters ( 355.8 acres ) .

  30. 此外,香港40%的土地属于受保护的自然公园用地,而且没有内陆腹地用来输出无法再利用的垃圾,这更增加了香港的压力。

    Adding to the pressure on Hong Kong , 40 per cent of its area is protected natural parkland and it has no hinterland to which it can export non-recyclable waste .