
zì yóu dù
  • freedom;degree of freedom;free degree;variance
自由度[zì yóu dù]
  1. 第四章给出了网络信息传播自由度的评价指标;

    The forth part provides the evaluation indexes of the free degree of network information transmission .

  2. 根据单自由度系统的振动理论,详细推导了振动筛对基础动负荷的计算公式;

    According to the vibration theories of the single free degree system , the calculation formula on vibration sieve versus foundation 's moving load was deduced in detail .

  3. 它具有限制自然界自由度的强制性。

    It imposes constrains , restricting nature 's freedom .

  4. 如果你看重工作中的自由度,那就不要为了稳定而去那种官僚气氛浓厚的地方,你会受不了的。

    If you value the degree of autonomy , then do not go to a bureaucratic place because you will not be able to stand that place .

  5. 用于骨科手术的六自由度全自动医用C形臂

    An Automatic Medical C-arm with 6 DOF for Orthopedic Operation

  6. 离散双自由度鲁樟设计H∞方法研究

    An H_ ∞ Approach to Two-Degree-Of-Freedom Robust Design in Discrete-Time

  7. 2自由度PID控制器参数整定是一个复杂而又困难的问题。

    Adjusting parameters of Two Degree-of-Freedom PID controller is a very difficult problem .

  8. 然后采用功率谱K值法进行单自由度动作识别,得到了较好的识别效果。

    Then recognize action pattern by the method of power spectrum K value , and the recognize effect is good .

  9. 仿真试验表明,所设计的二自由度PID控制器具有优良的鲁棒特性和抑制外界干扰特性。

    The simulation results show that the optimal 2-DOF PID controller has good robustness and good performance of anti-jamming .

  10. 2D数字伺服阀为利用阀芯的双运动自由度原理设计而成导控型阀。

    2D digital servo valve is developed by utilizing both rotary and linear motions of a spool .

  11. 在此基础上,建立了一个具有drilling自由度的杂交/混合膜单元。

    Therefrom , the formulation of hybrid / mixed finite element with rotations is derived and a membrane element with drilling DOF is developed .

  12. 文中采用Client/Serve(r客户机/服务器)模式,建立了基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统,该系统允许任何地方的使用者通过WEB浏览器对一台五自由度机器人进行控制。

    A Client / Server mode remote control robot system based on Internet is built , users anywhere can control the five degrees freedom robot by web browser .

  13. 利用adams仿真分析五自由度机械手

    Simulation of Five-Degree-of-Freedom Manipulator Using ADAMS

  14. 研究了基于H∞控制理论的振动台解耦控制的双自由度控制器设计方法,克服了传统的基于模型逆的解耦控制系统鲁棒性能较差的缺点。

    A decoupling approach is presented to dual shaker random vibration control problem using H ∞ based optimal control for an two degrees of freedom controller .

  15. 文章将面板数据PANELDATA应用于信息资源的测度,从原理、方法、实例等方面进行详细阐述,试验证明PANELDATA能够提供更多信息、更少共线性、更多自由度和更高效率。

    This paper attests that panel data can provide more information , less multicollinearity , more freedom degree and more efficiency from principles , methods , examples in information resource fields .

  16. 六自由度Stewart平台运动精度分析

    The kinematics accuracy analysis of six dof Stewart

  17. 在轮胎结构设计CAD中提出一种规划轮廓曲线形状的数字化方法,大大增加了轮廓设计的自由度。

    A digitalization method of programming tire profile was established in CAD for tire structure design to significantly increase the flexibility in profile design of tire .

  18. 在此基础上结合8自由度非线性车辆系统模型,利用Matlab/Simulink软件对装有ABS的车辆转向制动过程进行模拟试验。

    The scheme is implemented with eight DOFs ( Degree-of-Freedom ) nonlinear vehicle model by using Matlab / Simulink software .

  19. 最后,以DSP硬件控制为基础,运用汇编语言编写了单自由度磁轴承系统的控制软件,对控制器的实现进行了评估。

    Finally , the control software of one freedom MB system is compiled using the DSP assembly language , and feasibility of the controller realization is appraised ;

  20. 在WorkingModel3D软件上对引信的双自由度后坐保险机构进行了有关计算机仿真计算,并结合具体实例进行了优化设计。

    The computer synthesis simulation of the two degrees of freedom setback mechanism of a fuze is made by using a working model simulating software . Therefore , the design of the mechanism is optimized .

  21. 文中介绍了一种在磁悬挂天平技术中,用CCD实现模型六自由度信号测量的方法。

    In this paper , a method to measure the attitude and position signals of six degrees of freedom in MSBS using CCD is introduced .

  22. 先采用CAD的几何约束、尺寸约束、尺寸方程和尺寸驱动技术,构造平面3-RRR3自由度机器人的模拟机构。

    By adopting the geometric constraint , the dimension constraint and the dimension driving techniques of CAD , the simulation mechanism for planar 3-RRR robot with 3-DOF was firstly constructed .

  23. 此通用型主手控制器能够应用于各种不同自由度配置的主手,且其采用新型的通信标准USB,即插即用、性能可靠、且价格适中。

    This universal master-hand controller can apply to the master-hand with different degree of freedoms , and use the USB interface which has true plug-and-play operation .

  24. 根据汽车平顺性的评价方法,应用matlab语言编制了整车五自由度模型的悬架系统性能仿真程序。

    According to evaluating method of automotive ride comfort , a suspension system performance simulation program for five DOF ~ ′ s vehicle model is developed , using Matlab language .

  25. 将所提出的MR阻尼器不对称滞环模型应用在二自由度四分之一汽车模型,并用空挂控制律来实现对MR阻尼器阻尼力的自动调节。

    The proposed asymmetric model of an MR-damper is employed in a 2-DOF " quarter-car " model , and the " skyhook " control law is applied to implement variable damping deduced from the MR-damper .

  26. 采用分散控制策略和非线性PID控制算法,实现6自由度并联机器人的高精度轨迹跟踪控制。

    A decentralized control strategy and a nonlinear PID ( N-PID ) algorithm in joint space are proposed to realize the high precision tracking control of a 6 DOF parallel manipulator .

  27. 提出了基于TM算子的地形动态规划方法,实现了高自由度的地形局部建模。

    A dynamic terrain planning method based on TM operators is put forward in this paper , which makes it possible to modify terrain at will .

  28. 空间凸轮驱动的单自由度PRS型并联机构及其设计

    On Design of 1-DOF PRS Type Parallel Mechanism Actuated by Three Cylindrical Cams

  29. 针对直升机复杂的动力学特性和日益严格的操纵品质要求,应用二自由度H∞回路成形法设计了直升机鲁棒飞行控制系统。

    Considering the complexity of helicopter flight dynamics and the rigorous flying quality requirement , the robust controller design of a helicopter was discussed using two degree of freedom H ∞ loop shaping control approach .

  30. 非接触式测量系统采用双CCD拍取运动图像,利用对CCD标定出来的内外参数来三维重构计算物体空间坐标,并由此分解其六自由度。

    Untouchable measurement system uses a pair of CCD to capture the graphics , and reconstruct the coordinate with planar photos , and then the 6-DOF of the floating body is decomposed .