
zì xuán liànɡ zǐ shù
  • spin quantum number
  1. 最后,通过总自旋量子数的分析,一般地断定了辐射场不可能激发局域模以及一切K0≠0的散射模。

    Finally , a general analysis of the spin quantum number of the spin wave states leads to the conclusion that it is impossible to excite the scattered modes with k0 ≠ 0 as well as the localized modes by the electromagnetic radiation .

  2. 对于双层亚铁磁性超晶格和双层铁磁性超晶格,低温磁矩随着温度的升高而减小,随着自旋量子数、层内耦合系数、各向异性参数的增大而增大。

    For double-layer ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic superlattices , the magnetization decreases with increasing temperature , and increases with increasing spin quantum number , intralayer exchange couplings and anisotropy constant .

  3. 由塞曼效应实验结果去确定原子的总角动量量子数J值和朗德因子g值,近而去确定原子总轨道角动量量子数L和总自旋量子数S的数值。

    In this paper , the total atomic angular momentum quantum number J value and the Round factor value have been determined by using the Zeeman effect experiment result .

  4. 在自旋量子数不相等,各向异性参数相等的情况下,随层间交换耦合的增强能隙宽度先线性减小至消失后又线性增加。

    The width of energy gap firstly decreases and then augments linearly when spin quantum is not equal and parameter of anisotropy is equal .

  5. 内能和比热随着自旋量子数、层间耦合系数的绝对值、层内耦系数以及各向异性参数的增加而减小。

    The Internal energy and the specific heat decrease with increasing spin quantum numbers , absolute values of interlayer exchange couplings , intralayer exchange couplings and anisotropy constants .

  6. 本文利用计算机,计算核自旋量子数I≥5/2的两核情况下的15种体系的各种量子相干的数目、比值、总和以及它们的最高量子数;

    In this paper , the number , ratio , total and highest quantum number of the quan-tum coherences , for 15 systems with two nuclei of nuclear & spin quantum numberI ≥ 5 / 2 were computed by the computer .

  7. 得到了粒子的能量分布不仅与粒子的质量、自旋量子数、角量子数、磁量子数有关,还与黑洞周围的时空结构及视界的变化有关。

    We find that the energy distribution of Dirac particles not only depends on the mass , spin quantum number , angular quantum number and magnetic quantum number , but is also related to the structure of space-time and the variations of event horizon of black hole .

  8. 当你们解相对论形式的,薛定谔方程,你们最后会得到两个,可能的自旋磁量子数的值。

    And when you solved the relativistic form of the Schrodinger equation , what you end up with is that you can have two possible values for the magnetic spin quantum number .

  9. 核素的自旋角动量量子数和群子参数间关系

    The relationship between quantum number of angular momentum and sub - cluster parameter on nuclide

  10. 量子数:表示自旋角动量的量子数。

    A quantum number expressing spin angular momentum .

  11. 所以我们意味着,它们都是自旋向上,记住我们的自旋量子数,是第四个量子数。

    So by parallel we mean-they 're either both spin up remember that 's our spin quantum number , that fourth quantum number .