
  1. 这种自由的形式意味着RubyAPI的代码会更加紧凑,因为Ruby不需要在代码中定义每个使用模型。

    This freedom means the Ruby API can be more compact because Ruby doesn 't need to define every usage model in code .

  2. 欣赏生命,以一种自由的形式。

    Enjoy the life in the free way .

  3. 美学家们所说的美是自由的形式,实际上是对马克思这一思想的体现。

    Beauty , according to aestheticians , is a form of freedom ; it is an actual embodiment of Marx'thought .

  4. 由于此阶段着重于做出减少风险的好决策,团队必须以自由的形式合作。

    Since this stage is focused on making good decisions that reduce risk , the team must feel free to collaborate in a free-form manner .

  5. 装置艺术宽泛自由的形式风格使之成为很多艺术形式借鉴的资源。

    Installment art is a broading free form , causes it as one kind of artistic form to become the resources which many artistic forms use for resources .

  6. 以较自由的形式编排设计节目无疑是为了更进一步地衬托出力宏的才华,但事实上,力宏看上去总是快乐地像一个孩子在玩巨大的沙盘一样。

    The Philharmonic 's rather free-form programme was obviously designed to highlight Wang 's talents , and indeed he often looked like a kid playing in a giant sandbox .

  7. 实践美学既可作为一个学派继续发展,亦可以更自由的形式融入当代中国美学,为各家广泛吸收。

    The practical aesthetics can either be developed as a school , or be merged into contemporary Chinese aesthetics as a whole freely in various forms and be absorbed by different schools .

  8. 他们认为“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作。”白居易认为他最重要的贡献是他的讽喻歌谣和“新乐府”诗。新乐府诗通常以旧民歌为基础,采用自由的形式。

    He considered his most important contributions to be his satirical and allegorical ballads and his " new yuefu , " which usually took the form of free verse based on old folk ballads .

  9. N从宾语位移入定语位,丙式成为被抑制格式(V+O)+N的一种自由的补偿形式。

    With N shifting from the object position to the attribute position , Type 3 becomes a free substitute for the retrained form "( V + O ) + N " .

  10. 采用2个节点和7个自由度的形式描述钢筋混凝土(RC)空间梁单元的变形,进而导出梁单元应变矩阵B,并根据一般刚体计算公式得出RC梁单元刚度矩阵Ke。

    The element with two nodes and seven degrees of freedom was used to describe the deformation of reinforcement concrete spatial beam . The strain matrix B of the beam element was deduced . According to the equation of rigid body , the stiffness matrix of beam element was deduced .

  11. 面向自然的文学是人争取心灵自由的表达形式。

    It is that the people strive for the expression form with free soul to face natural literature .

  12. 网络表达在表达自由的诸形式之中的地位愈发凸显。

    The position of expression in network is increasingly prominent among the various forms of freedom of expression .

  13. 服务贸易自由化的形式多样,利益来源远比货物贸易自由化更为丰富,对整体经济发展会产生更加多样化的影响。

    The liberalization of service trade can take various forms , diversified benefit sources , and exerting different effects on economic growth .

  14. 开放多元的时代环境为艺术家拓展艺术空间提拱了自由的表现形式,他们以独特的个性语言构建出当代丰富多彩的视觉世界。

    The open , pluralistic era provides space for artists to expand artistic freedom of expression . They constructed contemporary rich visual world in a unique personality language .

  15. 即一个公司或其他组织把过去由内部员工执行的部分创新任务,以自由自愿的形式分包给非定向的(通常是数量庞大的)网络大众的创新模式。

    It refers to a company subcontracting tasks in a voluntary form to non-directed internet public ( usually a huge number of ) which used to be done by employees inside the company .

  16. 将来的优势企业主要将以电子自由职业的形式存在。企业不再是一个固定的公司,而是一个弹性的工作网络,有时仅存在一天或两天。

    Should this happen , the dominant business organization of the future many not be stable , permanent corporation but rather an elastic network that might sometimes exist for no more than a day or two .

  17. 同时,国际资本自由流动的形式发生了重大变化,跨国并购所发生的领域在我国尚不具备对外开放条件;

    Besides , the forms of international capital free flow have undergone tremendous changes , yet the areas where transnational merger and acquisition take place can not be opened up in China because of the lack of necessary conditions .

  18. 目前,大多数商品化CAD软件采用非均匀有理B样条(NURBS)作为自由曲面的表达形式。

    Major commercial CAD software takes Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline ( NURBS ) as main expression presently .

  19. 首先,基于Hill方程研究了近距卫星编队中卫星的相对运动规律,尤其对推导出的相对运动动力学方程的自由运动解的形式加以改写。

    Firstly , the principle of relative motion of the satellites in the close-distance formation is studied based on the Hill equations , and especially the form of free-flying solutions derived from the relative motion equations in dynamic form is rewritten .

  20. 首先建立了描述液晶畸变的Frank自由能的向量形式与张量形式之间的关系,由此得到了Frank弹性常数与描述液晶相变的取向序参量Sij的一阶空间导数的展开系数间的关系。

    The relationship between the vector version and tensor version of Frank distortion energy for the liquid crystal was established , through which the relationship between the Frank elastic constants and the expansion coefficients of spatial derivatives for the orientational order parameter S ij of liquid crystalline polymer was obtained .

  21. 这种自由的无限的形式,我们下面就可接触到,这就是概念。

    This free and infinite form will hereafter come before us as the notion .

  22. 忘记是自由的一种形式。

    Forgetfulness is a form of freedom .

  23. 二重买卖是自由竞争的重要形式,但并非意味着非法的二重买卖也应该予以鼓励;

    And yet that is not to say the unlawful dual trading should also be agreed .

  24. 随着贸易保护主义趋势的增强,越来越多的国家采取建立自由贸易区的形式以获取更多的贸易利益。

    Along with the increase of protectionism , more and more countries have gained much trade profit through setting up free trade zones .

  25. 数字化设计技术及相关理论的发展,在很大程度上推动了三维自由曲面的相关形式研究。

    Due to the development of digital design techniques and theories , the study on the form of three-dimensional surface has been greatly promoted .

  26. 是以蒙古族乐器“托部秀尔”(弹拨乐器)伴奏,以表现马为主、又可自由发挥的舞蹈形式。

    Accompanied by " tambourine "( a kind of plucked musical instrument ), the dance mainly depicts the horse movement and can be expanded freely .

  27. 在数字社会中,就在创造者们建立真正自由的经济活动形式之时,资产阶级的财产信条和资产阶级的自由信条之间的冲突也活跃起来(凸显出来?)

    As , in the new digital society , creators establish genuinely free forms of economic activity , the dogma of bourgeois property comes into active conflict with the dogma of bourgeois freedom .

  28. 明渠(OpenChannel)流动指的是具有自由流动表面的水流形式。

    The open-channel flowing refers to a kind of flowage which has the free surface .

  29. WTO框架下双边自由贸易协议的新形式&CEPA实施的意义

    A New Form of Bilateral Free Trade Agreement under WTO & The Significance of the Implementation of the CEPA

  30. 他本来自由的创作逐渐走向形式化、公式化。

    Then his free writing became formal and formulaic .