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zì jīn
  • brag;sing one's own praises;glorify oneself
自矜 [zì jīn]
  • [sing one's own praises] 自夸;自尊自大

  • 以专长自矜

  1. 自满者败,自矜者愚。

    A conceited man will fail ; an arrogant man is ignorant .

  2. 他是一个自矜的人,不能接受别人的批评。

    He always praises himself and never accepts other people 's criticism .

  3. Anti-briberylaws反商业贿赂法Palmsungreased揩油英国人一直自矜的认为他们的国家建立在正直和公正的基石上。

    THERE is a lingering assumption among Britons that their country stands for probity and fair play .

  4. 其实,自矜仁义的宋襄公是一个凶狠残忍的伪君子。

    In reality , Song was a hypocrite who was fierce and cruel .

  5. 在某个领域里最优秀,却又不以此自矜。

    But I heard you are the best .

  6. 一位谦虚有礼的修行人,他当然是不自见、不自是、不自伐、不自矜。

    A modest and polite man of practice surely is not reveal himself , not justify himself , not boast of himself , not pride himself .

  7. “不自矜故长”,矜是傲慢,无论是外在和内在对于一切都是有害而无利。

    ' He is not proud of his work , and therefore it endures ' : pride is very harmful , for it is bound to impede one 's progress in moral cultivation .

  8. 同时,自矜与过份被视为非梦神境界的真正恶魔,从而是梦神以前的原始铁旦时代的特征,梦神以外的蛮邦世界的特征。

    Conversely , excess and hubris come to be regarded as the hostile spirits of the non-Apollinian sphere , hence as properties of the pre-Apollinian era -- the age of Titans -- and the extra-Apollinian world , that is to say the world of the barbarians .