
jiù jiu
  • uncle;mother's brother;chacha
舅舅 [jiù jiù]
  • [mother's brother;uncle] [口]∶即舅父,母亲的兄弟

舅舅[jiù jiu]
  1. 我要去看我舅舅。

    I 'm going to visit my uncle .

  2. 舅舅,我爸爸想见你。

    Uncle , pa wants to see you .

  3. 弗雷德舅舅发的一封电报来了。

    A telegram from Uncle Fred arrived

  4. 我舅舅住在相当远的地方,所以我们很少见到他和他的家人。

    My mother 's brother lives a fair distance away so we don 't see him and his family very often .

  5. 我期望见到我的舅舅。

    I expect to see my uncle .

  6. 后来,他把我两个舅舅,西奥多和马可,拉进来一同做那盘生意。

    Later , he brought my uncles Theodore and Marco into the business .

  7. 舅舅做寿,我们要是不去,人家会怪我们失礼的。

    If we don 't go to our uncle 's birthday party , people will consider it a breach of etiquette .

  8. 我舅舅有一家鞋店。

    My uncle has a shoe store .

  9. 他是我舅舅。

    He is my maternal uncle .

  10. 伊迪丝舅妈听到芬打来的电话,便大声地叫在谷仓干活的霍默舅舅来听。

    Fern phoned and got her Aunt Edith , and her Aunt Edith hollered for Uncle Homer , and Uncle Homer came in from the barn and talked to Fern .

  11. Michael舅舅搞定了晚饭但我们还没搞定他

    Uncle Michael had finished dinner , but he wasn 't finished .

  12. 凑和什么?我舅舅Michael都快40岁了还从没工作过

    My Uncle Michael was almost 40 and never had a job .

  13. 我舅舅Michael没有工作

    My Uncle Michael didn 't have a job ,

  14. Mike舅舅结过两次婚,他有2个继子。

    Uncle Mike married twice , he has two stepsons .

  15. Michael舅舅正大吃大喝

    Uncle Michael just ate and sat around .

  16. 我爸爸和Michael舅舅关系不好

    My father and Michael didn 't get along

  17. 不少玩家和舅舅党说,主流MMO中除了EVE没有哪个游戏可以做到永远改变游戏世界。

    GZ : As much as players and developers pretend , no mainstream MMO-outside of EVE-allows players to change the game-world permanently .

  18. 在1970到2000年之间,他曾把若干经典剧目重新搬上舞台,如契诃夫(Chekhov)的《万尼亚舅舅》(UncleVanya)和莉莉安·赫尔曼(LillianHellman)的《小狐狸》(TheLittleFoxes);

    Between 1970 and 2000 his work included revivals of classics like Chekhov 's " Uncle Vanya " and " The Little Foxes " by Lillian Hellman ;

  19. 结果发现一名男孩患典型的CADCA,他的两个舅舅是前述两名CADCA患者,其母亲是非显症者,其父亲是正常人。

    Results A boy who is the nephew of two patients with CADCA suffered from typical CADCA-The boy 's mother is a nonphenotype and his father is normal .

  20. “唔,舅舅,”孩子大笑着回答道,“也许是的。

    ' Well , Uncle , 'returned the boy , laughing .

  21. 佛农舅舅想把某人锯成两半。

    And your Uncle Vernon wanted someone to saw in half .

  22. 这孩子的叔叔姑姑舅舅阿姨呢?

    The child 's uncle , aunt uncle , aunt do ?

  23. 那么来吧,舅舅!

    ' Come along then , Uncle ! 'cried the boy .

  24. 沃利,我的孩子,他的舅舅回答道。

    ' Wally , my boy , ' returned his uncle .

  25. 我舅舅一家人都为她的婚礼嫁妆做了充分的准备。

    My Uncle 's family are busy preparing for her dowry .

  26. 好吧,我们一会儿在米奇尔舅舅家见。

    Okay , I-I will see you over at uncle Mitchell 's.

  27. 艾丽克斯的舅舅是不可能公正裁判的。

    Alex 's uncle cannot possibly be considered an impartial judge .

  28. 当时带我坐车的人,是我的舅舅,叫张全斌。

    The man I traveled with was my Uncle Zhang quanbin .

  29. 他要在他舅舅家呆到下星期五。

    He 'll be at his uncle 's till next friday .

  30. 随库是一个科学用词,理查舅舅。

    Reeservoier . it 's a science word , uncle richard .