
  1. 感染扩散到肯尼亚航空兵团的成员,而他们即将被遣散。

    The infection spread to members of the Kenyan Carrier Corps , who were just about to be demobilised .

  2. 系统的运行,大大提高了的陆军航空兵团的指挥、作战效率。

    The appliance of this system has greatly improved the efficiency of command and combat of the army air corps .

  3. 由于武器装备和担负的任务不同,各类航空兵团编制飞机数量,通常在20架至40架之间不等;

    The aviation regiment is the basic tactical unit . Due to differences in weaponry and tasks , the number of aircraft in an aviation regiment ranges from 20 to 40 .

  4. 航空兵师一般下辖2个至3个航空兵团和驻地场站,航空兵团是基本战术单位。

    An aviation division generally has under its command two to three aviation regiments and related stations . The aviation regiment is the basic tactical unit .