
  1. 所购置的飞机将来自多个卖家,包括通用电气公司(GeneralElectricCo)旗下的商用飞机租赁金融航空服务公司GECapitalAviationServicesLtd。

    The planes are being bought from a variety of sellers including General Electric Co ' sGE 0.47 % GE Capital Aviation Services Ltd.

  2. 特里Michmerhuizen是米奇的航空服务有限责任公司和BrencoIA培训的所有者。

    Terry Michmerhuizen is the owner of Mitch 's Aero Services LLC and Brenco IA Training .

  3. 履职四年后即将卸任的交通部长雷•拉胡德(RayLaHood)在一次采访中说,他本人在华盛顿特区和家乡伊利诺伊州之间往返时的乘机体验,让他对航空服务深感不满,于是着手强制整改。

    Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood , who is stepping down after four years , said in an interview he became frustrated with airline service flying between Washington , D.C. , and his home state of Illinois , and set out to force improvement . '

  4. 去年10月,这家叫车服务公司首次表现出对于短程“垂直起降”(VTOL)技术的兴趣,当时该公司发表一份白皮书,讨论利用“按需航空服务”转变日常通勤模式的可能性。

    The ride-hailing company first signalled its interest in short-range " vertical take-off and landing " ( VTOL ) technology in October , when it published a white paper discussing the potential for " on-demand aviation " to transform the daily commute .

  5. 停止运作的公共汽车、铁路、航空服务。

    A bus , train , air service that is inoperative .

  6. 抓住核心,创立新型航空服务营销理念;

    Grasping the core , creating a new marketing concept of air service ;

  7. 波音预测未来商务飞机和航空服务市场

    Boeing Puts Commercial Aircraft and Air Service Market at US $ 5.2 Trillion

  8. 航空服务成本预测的支持向量机方法研究

    The Forecasting Method Research of Aviation Service Cost Applying with Support Vector Machine

  9. 努力建设一支学习型航空服务队伍&厦航乘务分部学习型组织建设的几点做法

    Xiamen Airlines ' Flight Attendants Build Learning Organization

  10. 我在北京传媒学院就读,我的专业是航空服务。

    The media in Beijing , I colleges , my specialty is aviation services .

  11. 机场非航空服务的分析

    The Analysis of Airport Non-Aeronautical Service

  12. 因为有很多地方需要航空服务,就出许多不同的路线。

    Because there are so many places that need airline service , there are many different routes .

  13. 基于顾客知识的服务失误归因模型研究:以航空服务业为例

    The Model of Service Failure Attribution Based on Customer 's Knowledge : A View from Aviation service industry

  14. 怡中航空服务有限公司

    Jardine Airport Services Limited

  15. 针对这一情况,本文从机场非航空服务的市场划分、项目类型、组织形式进行了一些分析。

    This article is mainly about the market segments , project analysis and organization structures of airport non-aeronautical service .

  16. 在此中介中,根据乘客频繁飞行信息选择适当的航空服务。

    In this mediation , the appropriate airline service is selected based on the passenger 's frequent flyer information .

  17. 一半以上的航空服务维持正常。铁路交通运行情况也一半正常。

    More than half of the airline service remained in order and half of the railway traffic as well .

  18. 新加坡航空服务中国20年&访新航中国区总经理李立兴

    Singapore Airlines ' 20 Years In China & An interview with Lee Lik Hsin , general manager of SA China

  19. 请看以下所列的各种航空服务,找出三种对商务旅客来说最为重要的服务项目

    Look at this list of airline service . Agree on the three most important services for the business traveler .

  20. 缔约各方有权指定一家经营协议航空服务的航空公司。

    Each Contracting Party shall have the right to designate one airline for the purpose of operating the agreed services .

  21. 要改善航空服务质量,首先需要有效和实用的测量模型和指标对服务质量进行可靠和准确的测量。

    Improving airline service quality calls for an effective and practical measuring model and indicators to measure service quality reliably and accurately .

  22. 另外,还执行数据映射来转换请求和响应参数,以匹配所选航空服务的接口。

    Also , data mapping is executed to transform the request and response parameters to match the interface of the selected airline service .

  23. 他表示,新西兰希望扩大对华出口范围,从农产品和木材,拓展到航空服务等其他领域。

    New Zealand hoped to widen its range of agricultural and timber exports to China to include areas such as aviation services , Mr English said .

  24. 这将执行业务流程实例、调用中介流和调用适当的航空服务以检索乘客的里程数。

    The business process instance is executed , the mediation flow is invoked , and the appropriate airline service is called to retrieve the passenger 's mileage .

  25. 8月11日,这家以提供廉价国内航空服务而闻名的美国第六大航空公司,首次开通了往返于纽约和伦敦之间的跨大西洋航班。

    On August 11th America 's sixth-biggest airline , known for its no-frills domestic services , launched its first transatlantic flights , between New York and London .

  26. 这是布兰森的愿望,改善航空服务,促使他推出维尔京大西洋航空公司,旅客提供物有所值的服务,使飞行的乐趣。

    It was Branson 's desire to improve airline services that inspired him to launch Virgin Atlantic , providing travellers value for money service that brought fun to flying .

  27. 提供航空服务包括包机,飞行培训、机租赁、售、修及航线服务等。

    Fixed-base operator ( FBO ) and provider of general aviation services including charter , flight training , aircraft rental , aircraft sales , maintenance , avionics , and line services .

  28. 兼容性在具有网络外部性的产业(如通信、互联网、计算机软硬件、银行服务、航空服务等)中是至关重要的因素。

    It is a crucial factor in the industries with network externalities ( such as Communications 、 the Internet 、 Computer hardware and software 、 Banking services and Aviation services ) .

  29. 这项研究的赞助来自美国国立卫生研究院、航空服务医学研究协会和康奈尔大学比较和群体基因组学中心的批款。

    Funding for the study came from grants from the National Institutes of Health , The Flight Attendant 's Medical Research Institute , and the Cornell Center for Comparative and Population Genomics .

  30. 林双吉同时也是新加坡外交部第二部长。他表示,历经6年的谈判之后,预计东盟与中国将于今年就建立自由航空服务体制达成最终协议。

    Raymond Lim , who is also second foreign minister , said talks between Asean and China to establish a liberal air services regime were expected to be concluded this year after six years of talks .