
háng jī
  • flight path;track;course;wake;flight track;track made good
航迹 [háng jì]
  • (1) [track;wake]∶船舶、舰艇、鱼雷航行时在水面所留下的痕迹,战斗中可根据敌人舰艇航迹发现敌人或根据敌人鱼雷航迹避开鱼雷攻击

  • (2) [flight path;flight track]∶飞机、火箭等飞行器在空中或空间中形成或遵循的飞行轨迹

  • (3) [track made good]∶飞机在地球表面之上的实际轨迹,或其图上表示

航迹[háng jī]
  1. 航迹显示在实时SAR图像传输中的实现与应用

    Implementation and application of flight path displaying for real time SAR images transmission

  2. 航迹由B样条曲线得到,以代表航迹的B样条曲线的控制顶点坐标值作为染色体的基因位进行浮点数编码。

    The flight path is obtained by a B-spline curve whose control vertexes are considered as the genes of chromosome via floating point coding .

  3. 轮船驶过,留下了白沫翻腾的航迹。

    When the ship sailed , the foaming white wake of the liner was left .

  4. 基于C~2连续3次B样条的航迹模拟

    Track Simulation Based on Cubic B-spline of C ~ 2 Continuity

  5. 应用形态学算子检测SAR图像中的湍流航迹

    Apply morphological operators to detect turbulent ship wakes in SAR Imagery

  6. 分别设计纵向、横侧向航迹跟踪控制律,运用增量式PID算法进行控制。

    Design respectively trajectory tracking control law for longitudinal channel and lateral channel .

  7. 分布式小卫星系统沿航迹干涉SAR测速去模糊方法

    Deblurring of Speed-Measure of the Along-Track INSAR in the Cluster Micro-Satellite System

  8. 星载SAR图像船舶及航迹检测

    Detection of Ships and Ship Wakes in Spaceborne SAR Imagery

  9. 基于小波分形和Kalman滤波的航迹追踪方法

    The Tracks Tracing Method Based on Wavelet-Fractal and Kalman Filtering

  10. 应用Radon变换方法检测窄V形船舶航迹

    Apply Radon Transform to Detect Narrow V Ship Wake in SAR Images

  11. 由于运输机超低空空投属于C种飞机阶段,需要极高精度的航迹跟踪和姿态保持。

    Because the transport aircraft flies in C phase while Ultra-Low Altitude Airdrop , high-accuracy flightpath tracking and attitude hold are required .

  12. 本文利用大地主题解算公式计算出规划航迹位置,并利用Visualc++。

    This paper calculated track position by earth motive calculating formula , and used the ActiveX controls in Visual C + + .

  13. 基于OpenGL实现雷达目标航迹的三维动态仿真

    3D Dynamic Simulation of Radar Target Track Based on OpenGL

  14. 提出了利用五次B样条分段拟合GNSS航迹计算航向的改进方法。

    An improving azimuth computing method by using quintic B-spline fitting GNSS track function is proposed .

  15. 文中就利用卫星SAR对船舶目标和船舶航迹的监测问题进行了论述。

    In the paper we discuss the problem about monitoring ship and ship wake by using satellite SAR .

  16. 人工神经网络和H∞优化控制用于航迹舵的实现研究

    The Implementation Study of Artificial Neural Network ( ANN ) and the H Infinite ( HINF ) Controller Applying to a Track Autopilot

  17. 雷达与AIS目标航迹模糊关联算法与仿真

    Algorithm and Simulation of Fuzzy Correlation of Tracks from Radar and AIS

  18. 一种基于Hopfield神经网络的TF/TA航迹规划算法

    A Flight-Path Planning Algorithm for TF / TA Based on Hopfield Neural Network

  19. 就AIS和雷达两者的航迹相关的研究来说,还很少。

    But there is few study on the AIS and radar tracks correlation .

  20. HOUGH变换与航迹关联

    Applying the Hough Transform for Association of Tracks

  21. 一种航迹关联的非参数检验方法二是AIS和雷达目标位置数据的数据合成。

    A Test Method of Non-parameter for Tracks Correlation The first is AIS and radar tracks correlation ;

  22. 在全局和在线算法研究的基础上,利用MATLAB作为开发工具,设计并实现了无人机航迹规划算法的仿真程序。

    On the base of preflight and online planning algorithm , the author makes use of MATLAB language and has designed and implemented UAV trajectory planning algorithm simulation program .

  23. 采用Hough变换建立参数空间直方图,并对参数空间直方图聚类实现航迹探测;

    Secondly , the paper builds parameter space histograms through Hough transform and detects tracks by clustering parameter space histograms .

  24. 本文基于PC/104开发了一种智能式航迹舵系统,主要说明了其总体设计思想及软硬件实现

    Abstract : An intelligent track autopilot is developed based on PC / 104 in this paper , in which the system design and the structure of hardware and software are described

  25. 讨论RCS在虚拟现实系统中测量飞行航迹的应用。

    The application of RCS in the track measurement of VR system is discussed . A comprehensive database of RCS is built .

  26. 本文从应用角度出发,以建立归一表和采用多种航迹质量管理为主要手段,讨论了一类C(?)I系统一次(?)

    According to the applicable requirements , a method for the normalization Processing of first-born tracks of a class of C_3I systems is mainly discussed by means of building the normalization table and managing with multiform track qualities .

  27. 航天GPS接收机为航天器提供航迹、姿态、时间和相对距离等导航信息,提高航天器运行的自主性。

    Spaceborne GPS Receiver combines the ability to sense space vehicle trajectory , attitude , time and relative ranging between vehicles into on package , Therefore it enhances onboard autonomy of space vehicle .

  28. 针对城市车辆全球定位系统(GPS)定位存在的不连续性问题,提出了采用压电陀螺和里程仪组成的低成本航迹推算系统与GPS组合方案。

    According to the problem of position discontinuity using GPS in city cars , a scheme that GPS is combined with DR which is composed by piezoelectric gyro and milemeter is put forward .

  29. BTT导弹航迹跟踪技术

    Trajectory Tracking Technology of BTT Missile

  30. 分布式卫星SAR系统是国外提出的一种新的合成孔径雷达系统,沿航迹干涉成像是该系统的主要工作模式之一。

    The cluster satellite SAR system is an innovative synthetic aperture radar system brought forward recently . The along-track interferometric imaging is one of the principal operation modes of the system .