
Applying this to the Internet of inland ships , not only can solve the current problems , but also can meet the needs of future .
The design of the AIS & VTS Information fusion in the internet of inland ships was available .
And its application on the Internet of inland ships can not only meet the QoS requirements of current data , but also provide the further upgrade and development a good network environment .
Then take Wuhan Maritime Bureau for an example , the paper introduces the structure of the Internet of inland ships and its six systems .
As an important part of IOT , the Internet of Inland Ships was designed to provide ship sensing and traffic information service in the whole drainage area .
Under the trend of informatization , all kinds of ships on rivers need a information system , which can not only ensure the safety of the navigation , but also meet more refinement services .
These implementations are bound to lead to the rapid increasing of business lines and data quantity in existing network of inland ships . And the data information of the network is also put forward some requirements on real-time and accuracy .