
  • 网络Flag State Control;FSC
  1. 船级社检验发证、船旗国监督与港口国监督是保证船舶履行国际船舶安全与防止船舶污染海洋环境有关公约的重要途径。

    Survey of Class Society , Flag State Control ( FSC ) and Port State Control ( PSC ) are three main elements to guarantee the safety of the ship , the protection of the environment and their implementation of the international conventions .

  2. 论船级社检验、船旗国监督与港口国监督三者关系

    Studies on the relationship among Survey of Class Society , Flag State Control and Port State Control

  3. 港口国监督(PSC)作为船旗国监督的补充在国际海事监管中正发挥着越来越重要的作用,其选船机制对于有效利用有限的港口国监督资源具有举足轻重的作用。

    Port state control is playing more important role in the international maritime monitoring as a supplementary of flag supervision , whose ship selection mechanism has a vital role in using the limited port state control resources effectively .