
  • 网络border measure
  1. 知识产权海关保护制度作为一项知识产权行政保护的边境措施,其理论基础并不复杂。

    IPRs Customs Protection is an administrative border measure , its theories contains no complicated foundation .

  2. 海关通过边境措施,对侵害专利权、商标权、著作权的货物在通关入国时进行拦阻。

    The customs through the border measure , to violate the patent , the trademark rights , the copyright cargo when the entry enters the country carries on detains .

  3. 近年来我国政策发生了显著的变化,特别是加入WTO后在国内政策和农产品边境措施方面进行了多方面调整。

    Both domestic policies and frontier policies adjusted in many aspects , especially after China entered WTO in 2002 .

  4. 国际立法层面,《TRIPS协议》第三部分第四节对知识产权边境措施进行了详尽的规定。

    On international legislation , the third part , forth section of TRIPS Agreement makes particular prescription on the border measures .

  5. 另外,世界贸易组织(wto)必须像对待关税及其他边境措施一样,积极正视市场扭曲行为,而且必须积极执行我们的贸易协定,包括要求所有各方“同等执行”。

    Also , the world trade organisation must confront market distortions as aggressively as it addresses tariffs and other border measures and it must enforce vigorously our trade agreements , including demanding " parity of enforcement " among all parties .

  6. 通过ACTA与TRIPs协议比较在第二部分主要分析了针对过境货物的边境措施将可能产生的不良影响及对国际贸易自由的影响。

    Compare ACTA and TRIPs , in the second part analyses the border measures on in-transit goods may produce adverse effect on the international trade freedom .

  7. 与ACTA相比较,在民事、刑事、边境措施等方面都有着一定的差距。

    Comparing with ACTA , the main gap lies in the field of civil enforcement , criminal enforcement and border measures .

  8. 海关法的改革促成了边境措施。

    The reform of the customs code had also introduced border measures .

  9. 海关总署负责边境措施;

    The General Customs Administration was responsible for border measures ;

  10. 作为国际贸易中知识产权保护的重要环节,边境措施发挥着非常重要的把关作用。

    Border measures play a very important role in the intellectual property rights protection of international trade .

  11. 《马德里协定》成员国同意实施边境措施,并且防止地理标志淡化为通用词语。

    Members agree to implement border measures and prevent the dilution of geographical indications into generic terms .

  12. 美国闻名于世的利器特别301条款则是执行边境措施的重要依据。

    In the United States , " Special 301 " is an important basis for the implementation of border measures .

  13. 要进入具有自己的边境管控措施的英国,难度会更大。

    Entry into the UK , which has its own border controls , is more problematic .

  14. 这份提案提出了单独的新边境安全措施,这将使费用增加70亿美元。

    The proposal suggested the new border security measures alone could cost an additional $ 7 billion .

  15. 《美国法典》则仅规定美国海关只对进口的侵权货物采取边境保护措施。

    United States code only stipulates US Customs to take border protection measures only on imported infringing goods .

  16. 欧盟航空碳关税的实质是建立在其航空碳排放交易机制基础上的边境调节措施。

    The European aviation carbon tariffs is sort of border adjustment measures based on its aviation emissions trading mechanism .

  17. 同时,移民倡导者也表示,这种方法也要考虑到额外的边境安全措施。

    At the same time , their voice concerns that such a path would be contingent on additional border security measures .

  18. 论上海世博会的海关边境保护措施&以贸易安全和贸易便利为视角

    Discussion of the Custom and Border Protection in World Expo 2010 Shanghai & From the View of Trade Security and Facility

  19. 我国的知识产权边境保护措施应当包括专利权、地理标志,不宜将集成电路布图设计纳入保护范围。

    The border protection of intellectual rights in China shall include patent right and geography marks , but not the chart of integrate circuit .

  20. 在过去的一年中,丹麦、法国、意大利政府均取消申根区免护照的规定,重新采取边境管制措施。

    Over the past year the Danish , French and Italian governments have rolled back the Schengen passport-free zone and reintroduced limited border controls .

  21. 没有必要采取边境检疫措施,这种措施会转移资源并可能妨碍各机构和各国家之间的合作。

    There is no need to establish quarantine measures at the border , a measure that diverts resources and may hamper cooperation between institutions and countries .

  22. 海关在实施边境保护措施时,对知识产权货物的平行进口应采取有限制的许可态度,应区分不同情况采取不同的措施。

    When customs take border protective measures , limited admission shall be used to the parallel import goods . Different measures shall be applied to different situations .

  23. 国务院将抓紧研究、制定对知识产权实行边境保护措施的行政法规。

    The State Council will pay close attention to the study and formulation of administrative regulations for carrying out border measures in respect of intellectual property protection .

  24. 海关要加强与有关部门的联系和配合,依法严格实施知识产权的边境保护措施。

    The customs authorities should strengthen the liaison and cooperation with the relevant departments and strictly carry out the border measures concerning intellectual property according to law .

  25. 本文通过分析碳边境调节措施在GATT/WTO框架下的违法性和不可操作性,指出其以环境保护之名,行贸易保护之实的本质。

    By analyzing the illegality and impossibility of carbon border adjustment in the environment of WTO and GATT , the thesis points that the adjustment is implementing trade protection in the name of environment protection .

  26. 碳关税指的是基于碳排放的进口环节边境调节措施,表现为要求进口商对进口自未实施碳减排制度的国家的产品缴税或购买排放配额等形式。

    This dissertation argues that carbon tariff refers to carbon-based import border adjustment measures , which requires importers which import goods from the countries not implementing greenhouse gas reduction measures to pay tax or purchase emission allowances .

  27. 前一冲突主要表现在边境税收调节措施以及贸易限制性措施与WTO规则的冲突。

    The former confliction mainly displays in the contradiction of border tax adjustment measures and WTO rules , trade restrictive measures and WTO rules .

  28. 与哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、俄罗斯、塔吉克斯坦等国每年组织相互视察活动,监督和核查边境地区信任措施落实情况。

    They also organize annual mutual inspections to supervise and verify the implementation of confidence-building measures in border areas with Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Russia and Tajikistan .

  29. 同时,几内亚加强了其与利比里亚及塞拉利昂边境的检查措施,以防止埃博拉病毒感染者进入或离开该国。

    Meantime , Guinea is stepping up sanitary measures along its borders with Liberia and Sierra Leone , to prevent people infected with the Ebola virus from entering or leaving the country .

  30. 在现行国际气候制度下,它又通常被认为是一种发达国家针对发展中国家所采取的措施。第二部分分析了边境碳调节措施产生的背景。

    The key to this problem is , under the current international climate regime , BCAs actually can be thought of a kind of measure took by developed countries , but aiming at developing countries . Section ⅱ analyses the backgrounds of BCAs .