
  • 网络Real Right of Pledge of Ship
  1. 船舶担保物权的消灭问题研究

    Study on Extinguishment of Security Right on Ships

  2. 第五章则探讨了船舶担保物权的相对消灭问题。

    The fifth chapter discusses the case of relative extinguishment of security right on ships .

  3. 第二、三、四章针对三种船舶担保物权的个性,分别探讨引起它们消灭的特殊原因。

    The next three chapters study on the three kind of security right on ships individually .

  4. 同时,船舶担保物权包括船舶抵押权、船舶优先权、船舶留置权三种,它们也各有各的特点。

    At the same time , security right on ships includes mortgage of ships , maritime liens and possessory liens on ships . Each has its own characteristics too .

  5. 以此为基础,本文对中国相关法律规定提出修改意见,希望能对中国的建造中船舶担保物权法律制度的研究和完善有所助益。

    As stated above , some recommendation on amendments to relevant Chinese law are suggested , with a hope that it is beneficial to the research and improvement of the legal system of security interest for vessel under construction in China .

  6. 船舶留置权在船舶担保物权中的优先顺序

    Priority order of possessory lien on vessel in the ships security interests

  7. 船舶扣押所依据的海事请求可以分为两种类型,一种是受船舶优先权或船舶担保物权保护的海事请求;另一种是一般海事请求。

    Application for the vessels arrest may be in the basis of two kinds of maritime claims , which are the maritime claims secured by maritime lien or other bail , and the maritime claims without such .