
chuán bó dǐ yā quán
  • Ship mortgage;mortgage on ship;maritime mortgage
  1. 本文对船舶抵押权、船舶优先权及留置权、船舶碰撞、海事赔偿责任限制、共同海损等制度的产生及发展过程进行了详细的分析。

    This paper meticulously analyse the generation and development of the system of maritime mortgage , Maritime priority , Maritime lien ,, ship collision , general average and so on .

  2. 建造中船舶抵押权问题研究

    A Study on Mortgage on Ship under Construction

  3. 如何确定其上的船舶抵押权的效力的准据法?

    How to define the applicable law on the ships mortgage ?

  4. 保险保障船舶抵押权人利益浅析

    Elementary analysis upon the insurance protection of mortgagee 's interest

  5. 建造中船舶抵押权的法律冲突及其解决

    Analyzing the law conflicts of mortgage on ship under construction and its resolution

  6. 船舶抵押权登记制度的规范与完善

    Analyzing the amendment and improvement of the registration system of mortgage of ships

  7. 船舶抵押权法律制度研究

    Study on the Legal System of Right of Mortgage with Respect to Ship

  8. 浅谈船舶抵押权登记中价值评估风险防范

    Measures against assessment risk in registration of ship mortagage

  9. 论船舶抵押权制度的立法完善&以国内法律冲突为视角

    On the improvement of Legislation of Ship Mortgage System

  10. 详细阐述了我国船舶抵押权制度概念和特点。

    In detail elaborated our country ships mortgage system concept and the characteristic .

  11. 我国船舶抵押权登记法律实务

    Domestic ship mortgage right registration law and practice

  12. 第三章阐述建造中船舶抵押权的效力。

    The third chapter elaborates the effectiveness of the mortgage on vessel under construction .

  13. 根据不同的标准,船舶抵押权可划分为不同的种类。

    According to different standard , ship mortgage can be divided into different classes .

  14. 论船舶抵押权的对抗效力及受偿顺序

    Study on the validity acting against third party and compensational priority of ship mortgage

  15. 论船舶抵押权的几个法律问题

    On Legal Issues Concerning Mortgage of Ships

  16. 船舶抵押权也不同于船舶优先权和船舶留置权。

    Ship mortgage is also different from the ship preferred maritime lien and possessory lien .

  17. 论航运融资中船舶抵押权运用的相关法律与实务

    On Regulations and Practice Related to the Application of Mortgage of Ship in Navigating Finance

  18. 建造中船舶抵押权相关法律问题探析(续)

    Discussion on the legal issues relating to lien on a ship under construction ( continued );

  19. 第二个问题是抵押权的“不可分性”是否适用于船舶抵押权。

    The second one is whether undividablil'rty of mortgage can be applied to mortgage of ship .

  20. 船舶抵押权的登记与实现

    Registration and realization of ship mortgage

  21. 论我国船舶抵押权制度

    By our country ships mortgage system

  22. 船舶抵押权的法律适用

    Applicable Law to Ship Mortgage

  23. 船舶抵押权与海上保险

    Ship Mortgage and Marine Insurance

  24. 由于不同法律对抵押权的标的规定不同,因此对船舶抵押权的标的进行了重点探讨。

    Because different laws make different stipulation , the chapter focus on the object of the ship mortgage .

  25. 第二百七十一条船舶抵押权适用船旗国法律。

    The law of the flag state of the ship shall apply to the mortgage of the ship .

  26. 英国协会船舶抵押权人利益保险条款是目前发展最完善,应用也最广泛的标准条款。

    The Institute Clauses is the standard clause that now the most developed and the most widely used .

  27. 论光船租赁登记下的船舶抵押权效力

    Exhibition Spot Leases ( 1 ) Study on the effects of ships mortgage under the registration for bareboat chartered

  28. 建造中船舶抵押权既具有抵押权的一般属性,又有其自身的特殊性。

    Mortgage on vessel under construction has the general attribute of mortgage , and also has its own particularity .

  29. 第一章就设定船舶抵押权的有关当事人的确定方面的问题作出了详细的分析和解构。

    In chapter 1 the author provides an analysis of the parties concerned in establishing the mortgage of ships .

  30. 船舶抵押权实现中的诉讼程序适用法院地法。

    The law of the court is applied for the judicial proceeding in the enforcement of the ship 's mortgage .