
chuán zhǎng
  • captain;master;skipper;captain of a ship;shipmaster
船长 [chuán zhǎng]
  • [skipper;captain] 一艘船的总负责人

船长[chuán zhǎng]
  1. 船长把船驶向泊位。

    The captain piloted the boat into a mooring .

  2. 船长下令弃船。

    The captain gave the order to abandon ship .

  3. 你必须服从船长的命令。

    You must obey the captain 's commands .

  4. 我是船长。

    This is the captain speaking .

  5. 他的小船长十八英尺。

    His boat is an eighteen-footer .

  6. 船长记航海日志。

    The captain keeps a log .

  7. 我演的第一个角色是奥哈格蒂船长,一部儿童剧中的恶棍。

    My first part was Captain O'Hagarty , a dastardly villain in a children 's play .

  8. 船长知道一台发动机出了故障,不过他不想惊动乘客。

    The captain knew there was an engine fault but didn 't want to alarm the passengers .

  9. 库克船长驾驶的船安全出航100次无事故。

    Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages

  10. 电影《铁钩船长》12月11日在美国全线上映。

    The film ' Hook ' opens across America on December 11

  11. 船长命令所有乘客和船员都进入救生艇。

    The captain ordered all passengers and crew into lifeboats .

  12. 接着加里·斯内夫利船长意识到了这个令人不寒而栗的事实。

    Then the chilling truth dawned on Captain Gary Snavely .

  13. 船长在房间的另一头。

    The Captain was at the other end of the room

  14. 船长在船尾,假装睡着了。

    The captain was astern , pretending he was sleeping .

  15. 船长的薄唇边露出一个微笑,随之在脸上漾开来。

    A thin-lipped smile spread over the captain 's face .

  16. 船长拿到的钱最多,其次是厨师。

    The skippers get the most money , and after them the cooks

  17. 船长发无线电说船着火了。

    The captain radioed that the ship was on fire .

  18. 船长目光如炬地扫过房间。

    The Captain 's eagle eye swept the room .

  19. 科尼什船长再次下达了停航的命令。

    Captain Cornish repeated his order to heave to .

  20. 船长决定哪怕是对高级船员也要封锁这个可怕的消息。

    The captain decided to withhold the terrible news even from his officers .

  21. 这艘游艇的船长是皮埃尔·马斯。

    The yacht was skippered by Pierre Mas .

  22. 他终于升职当上了船长。

    He eventually rose to the rank of captain

  23. 船长向海岸警卫队报告了这起灾难。

    The skipper notified the coastguard of the tragedy

  24. 我确实曾经梦想过成为首位远洋客轮的女船长。

    I did once dream of becoming the first woman to captain an ocean liner .

  25. 周六晚上的船长晚会是游轮上最喜庆的活动。

    The Captain 's Party on Saturday evening is the cruise 's most festive event .

  26. 1875年,马修·韦布船长成为横渡英吉利海峡的第一人。

    In 1875 , Captain Matthew Webb became the first man to swim the English Channel .

  27. 这艘船的船长和船员可能会被告上法庭,甚至有可能坐牢。

    The ship 's captain and crew may be brought to trial and even sent to prison .

  28. 在执行任务的过程中被免职,这对一位船长来说是莫大的耻辱。

    Being removed from his post during operations is the ultimate humiliation for a ship 's captain .

  29. 开火,船长!

    Gunfire , skipper !

  30. 船长不愿意在这样恶劣的天气里冒险将船驶过海峡。

    The captain was not willing to risk taking his ship through the straits in such bad weather .