
dà fù
  • first mate;mate;chief officer;first officer
大副 [dà fù]
  • (1) [mate]∶商船上比船长低一级的甲板上的负责人

  • (2) [first officer]∶轮船船员中级别最高的一个人,船长第一助手

大副[dà fù]
  1. 大副发现船的左前方有鲸鱼群。

    The first mate sighted a herd of whales ahead to the left of the boat .

  2. Squint先生…是的长官…现在你是大副了.

    Mr. Squint ... Aye sir ... You 're First Mate now .

  3. 大副是低于船长的一个头衔。

    The mate is one rank below the captain .

  4. 船长不在时将由大副负责。takeresponsibilityfor负责…

    The first mate will be in charge when the captain is away .

  5. 引航员:准备起锚。大副(用VHF)。

    Pilot : Stand by for heaving up anchor . Chief . ( use VHF )

  6. Gutt总是支持着我.我是他的大副.

    Gutt has my back . I 'm his First Mate .

  7. 我们首先得假设她知道大副是谁。

    That 's assuming she knows who the first mate is .

  8. 晚上好,大副,对不起,我来迟了。

    Good evening , chief . sorry , I am late .

  9. 大副和水手长恳求船长

    The Mate and Boat-Swain begg 'd the Master of our Ship

  10. 引航员:大副准备右锚,请讲。

    Pilot : Stand by starboard anchor . Chief , over .

  11. 大副:是的,已经备车了。

    Chief Officer : Yes , engines have been on standby .

  12. 大副房间的救生衣哨子丢失。

    The lifejacket whistle in Chief Mate 's cabin missing .

  13. 我是大副,我来自加拿大。

    I 'm chief officer , I 'm from Canada .

  14. 我命令大副去为船长备船。

    I desired my mate to see to the captain 's boat .

  15. 他当了十年的大副。

    He had worked as a ship 's mate for ten years .

  16. 你是船长,我愿意做你的大副。

    You are the captain I wanna be your mate .

  17. 请见谅,让我去问问大副。

    Excuse me , let me ask the chief officer .

  18. 大副收据承运人签发,并且可以换成提单。

    A mate 's receipt is a receipt issued by a carrier .

  19. 进行水密试验,达到大副满意。

    Watertight test to be carried out to chief officer 's satisfaction .

  20. 大副:好,那我们下午就去。

    Chief Mate : OK , let 's do it this afternoon .

  21. 大副正在学习准备当船长。

    The first mate was studying to Become a master .

  22. 船长不在时将由大副负责

    The first mate will be In charge when the captain be away

  23. 大副:现在,你去睡个好觉吧。

    Chief Mate : OK , have a nice dream .

  24. 好多年以前我跟他一起出过航,是他的大副;

    I 've sailed with him as mate years ago ;

  25. 我希望总部能选一个合格的大副。

    I hope a competent chief officer will be selected by headquarters .

  26. 世界两大副产钼国家&智利和美国

    Two biggest by-product molybdenum countries in the world & chile and USA

  27. 大副:主甲板和上层甲板。

    Chief Officer : Main deck and upper deck .

  28. 船长总是设法找大副的麻烦。

    The captain was always devising how to get the mate into trouble .

  29. 大副:你不卸货我不负责。

    Chief Mate : If so , I do not take the responsibility .

  30. 船长和大副是什么时候收到报警信号的?

    When did ship 's master and chief officer receive the fire alarm ?