
  • 网络Atlantic Route;Atlantic Ocean
  1. 但美国航空企业正越来越多地依赖于利润率较高的跨大西洋航线。

    But US carriers are relying more on higher margin transatlantic routes .

  2. 我国航运集团在大西洋航线运营情况的实证研究及其对策

    The Empirical Research and Countermeasures of Our Main Shipping Group 's Situation on Atlantic Routes

  3. 欧盟官员反驳说,这笔费用分摊到每张跨大西洋航线的机票上不过是6欧元左右。

    EU officials counter that the regulations would add only about 6 to the price of a transatlantic ticket .

  4. 英国航空公司的大部分利润来自跨大西洋航线。该公司表示,现在还无法确定加强安全措施的长期成本和影响。

    BA , which makes most of its profit from transatlantic flights , said it was impossible to determine yet the long-term cost or impact of heightened security measures .

  5. 圆程齿轮和圆柱齿轮副横渡大西洋的航线,以自纽约至英伦的航程为最短。

    Ckyclindrical gears and gear pairs The transatlantic journey from New York was shortest when terminated in the United Kingdom .

  6. 这是我们这个航线的处女航,大家一定要保证万无一失。横渡大西洋的航线,以自纽约至英伦的航程为最短。

    This is our virgin voyage on this sea route , we must be very cautious of our safety . The transatlantic journey from New York was shortest when terminated in the United Kingdom .

  7. 早期拓荒者们富于冒险的创业精神随着越来越多的航空公司飞机直耸入云霄仍然在继续。泛美航空公司凭借喷气式飞机和宣传服务开辟跨越大西洋的新航线。

    The entrepreneurial spirit of risk taking spawn by the earlier pioneers continued as more and more airlines took to the skies . Pan American world airways blaze the trail across the Atlantic with jet aircraft and trumpeting service .

  8. 她说:我们今天讨论了中央航路。(横渡大西洋贩卖黑奴的航线)

    So she said , We talked about the Middle Passage .

  9. 从此往来大西洋和太平洋的航线变得既快捷又便宜

    This promises a much faster and cheaper shipping route between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans .