
  1. 我国加入WTO后,银行不仅面临着同行业之间的竞争,而且面临着同外国大金融机构之间的激烈竞争。

    After China 's entry into WTO , banks are not only facing domestic competitions but also huge competitions from large overseas financial institutions .

  2. 在各大金融中心设有办事处的猎头公司全球赛奇公司(GlobalSage)的首席执行官乔恩赖特(JonWright)表示,目前,监管机构正强迫银行大幅收窄业务,减少业务种类。

    The regulators are forcing the banks to become much more narrow and less diversified institutions , says Jon Wright , chief executive officer of Global Sage , a headhunting company with offices in the main financial centres .

  3. 周一,均在中国前十大金融机构之列的兴业银行(IndustrialBank)和民生银行(ChinaMinshengBank)双双表示,它们获准下调了存准率,这表明宽松措施覆盖的不只是最小的那些金融机构。

    On Monday , Industrial Bank and China Minsheng Bank - both among China 's top 10 financial institutions - said they had been approved for a cut in their reserve requirement , signaling that more than just the smallest financial institutions have been included in the easing measure .

  4. 围绕BaselⅡ能否被各国接受以及最终付诸实施后存在哪些问题,经济学家和各大金融研究机构关注的焦点主要集中在两个问题上,即亲周期性和国际政策协调的可行性。

    Surrounding whether Basel can be accepted by all the countries and the possible problems of its final carrying out , the focus of attention of economists and researchers of financial institutions has been on the kin-cyclicity and the feasibility of coordinating international policies .

  5. 两大金融巨头合并说明什么?

    Merger of two financial giants : what does it indicate ?

  6. 中化集团三大金融风险管理问题研究

    Research of Three Financial Risks Management in Sinochem Group

  7. 另外,大多数大金融机构都是跨国企业。

    Besides , most significant financial institutions are international .

  8. 证券业:可能是中国大金融的多米诺骨牌引倒者;

    The securities industry is domino for Chinese finance ;

  9. 共同基金已成为美国仅次于商业银行的第二大金融中介组织。

    Mutual fund is the second largest financial medium in America inferior to commerical banks .

  10. 它还将是亚洲有史以来五大金融业并购交易之一。

    It will also rank as among the top five financial-sector acquisitions ever in Asia .

  11. 许多大金融公司,比如保诚集团,已经关闭了他们的研究部门。

    Some big financial firms , such as Prudential , have closed their research arms .

  12. 重点拓展亚洲、欧洲、美国三大金融战略区域;

    Lay stress on expanding the three strategic financial zones of Asia , Europe and USA ;

  13. 商业银行、投资银行、保险构成了当今世界三大金融市场。

    Commercial Bank , Investment Bank and Insurance constitute the three financial markets in the world .

  14. 小银行认为,这一计划将使大金融公司更具竞争力。

    Small banks see the plan as a way to make big financial companies more competitive .

  15. 在全球各大金融中心,圣诞是一年中要表达善意的时候。

    In financial centres around the world this is the time of year to show goodwill .

  16. 小型金融机构有着大金融机构无法取代的独特功能和较强适应性,使它成为在金融体系上为小企业服务的主体。

    They should be made the main body to provide services for small-sized firms in financial system .

  17. 亚当斯表示,协会希望看到各大金融机构鼓励借款方使用该规程。

    Mr. Adams said his association would like to see financial institutions encourage borrowers to use it .

  18. 这四大金融中心总计占到全球所有股票交易的70%。

    Between them , the top four centres account for 70 per cent of all equity trading .

  19. 大金融机构从交易和冒险行为中赚取到了收益,却让社会来承担它们的损失。

    Big financial institutions managed to absorb the gains from trading and risk-taking while socialising their losses .

  20. 申请商业方法专利也成为国外一些大金融机构谋求发展的专利战略。

    Applicating BMP also becomes the overseas that was used by some big financial organ to seek development .

  21. 但华尔街银行家表示,新的薪酬制度反映了各大金融集团现有的最佳实践。

    However , Wall Street bankers said the compensation practices mirrored existing best practice among leading financial groups .

  22. 现代融资租赁已成为包括信贷融资、股权融资在内的三大金融融资工具之一。

    Modern financial leasing has became one of the three financial financing tools also including credit financing , equity financing .

  23. 三大金融期货推出之后,相应的期权、互换也陆续推出。

    Following the announcement of the three major financial futures , the corresponding options , swaps were also coming up soon .

  24. 谈互联网色变之余,传统大金融行业的企业纷纷积极备战。

    Surviving from the rumors about the Internet , traditional large enterprises have taken the initiatives on preparing for the financial industry .

  25. 我国成立四大金融资产管理公司对国有商业银行的巨额不良资产进行剥离和处置。

    Four AMCs have been established since 1999 to deal with the great non-performing assets ( NPAs ) of our commercial banks .

  26. 这场争夺英国第二大金融区(歌鸟持有70%股份)的战争始于一通电话。

    The war for Britain 's second-largest financial district , 70 per cent owned by Songbird , began with a phone call .

  27. 作为拥有数大金融财团或超级银行的西方发达资本主义国家,为国内银行业的跨国经营、兼并与收购提供了大量翔实的案例及丰富借鉴经验。

    The financial consortiums or Super banks in developed countries have provided us with abundant of banking M & A cases and experiences .

  28. 作为三大金融安全网之一,存款保险制度已经被很多国家接受并成功运用。

    As one of the three major financial safety nets , deposit insurance system has been accepted and successfully used in many countries .

  29. 各大金融控股集团的出现将成为我国金融业从分业经营向混业经营的转变的一个重要标志。

    The appearance of various finance manage bloc will become an essential mark that Chinese finance change from individual management to compand management .

  30. 因此为了能及时响应和处理这些交易,各大金融机构都使用主机系统来处理核心数据。

    In order to deal with these transactions , many major financial industries have used Mainframe systems to deal with important or core data .