
  1. 第四章详细阐述了XX集团集中化的大财务系统的IT规划解决方案。

    Chapter four explains XX group solution of integral heavy financial system in detail .

  2. 根据Z值的定义,Z值越大财务危机概率越小,反之亦然。

    According to the definition of Z-score , the larger the Z-score is . the more likely the financial crisis occurs , vice versa .

  3. 文章对利润质量的影响因素,以及它与三大财务报表的关系作综合性评价,并应用AHP法(即层次分析法)对如何提高利润质量作了实证分析。

    In the article , the author makes a comprehensive appraisal of the influence factors on profit quality and its relationship with the three major financial statements , and furthermore , by applying the AHP method , carries out a positive analysis on how to improve the profit quality .

  4. 股利政策是上市公司的三大财务管理决策之一。

    Dividend policy is one of the three financial management decisions of listed companies .

  5. 财务契约角度的分析侧重于三大财务政策与税收筹划之间关系的分析。

    Secondly , focused on the study of the relationship between the three biggest finance policies and Tax Planning .

  6. 投资决策相对于其他两大财务决策已经成为现代财务管理研究的热点和难点。

    Compared with the other decisions , Investment decision is the hotspot and difficult point in modern financing management .

  7. 投资决策、融资决策和股利决策是现代公司理财管理中最重要的三大财务决策。

    Investment decision 、 financing decision and dividend decision are the three most important financial decisions in modern financing management .

  8. 第一,运用比较分析法及趋势分析法对亚泰集团三大财务报表进行会计分析。

    Firstly , make an accountancy analysis to three financial statements of YATAI using comparison analysis method and tendency analysis method .

  9. 股利分配政策作为公司三大财务决策之一,在上市公司的经营与发展当中起着极为重要的作用。

    As one of the three important policies of financial management of listed companies , dividend policy plays a crucial role in operating and development .

  10. 投资行为是企业三大财务决策行为之一,是企业盈利的关键,也是决定股东利益大小的基础。

    Corporate investment is one of the three major financial decision-making behavior , which is the key to corporate profits , and which is decided to base the size of the interests of shareholders .

  11. 全面预算管理作为五大财务管理体系的有机组成部分,既是内部控制的核心内容,又是企业战略管理的重要工具。

    As an essential part of the five financial management system , the comprehensive budget management is not only the core content of the internal control but also an important tool of corporate strategic management .

  12. 水利行业的财务管理亦应进入网络时代,以网络技术管理好水利企业和事业单位的大财务,充分发挥水利投入资金的最佳效益。

    Financial management of water conservancy sector must come into E-era , and the financial affairs of water conservancy enterprise and institutions must take advantage of network management technique to realize the best benefit of water conservancy investment .

  13. 上市公司的股利政策与融资决策、投资决策并称为上市公司的三大财务管理决策,也是现代公司财务管理中的一大难题。

    In listed companies , dividend policy , financing projects and investment decisions are referred to as the top three decisions in financial management theory . Besides , they always are difficult problems in the modern financial management theory .

  14. 股利政策作为上市公司三大财务活动(投资、融资和股利分配)之一,是现代公司财务政策的一项核心内容,也是财务经济学中一个重要的研究方面。

    As one of financial activities , which include investment , finance and dividend activities , dividend policy is the core area of financial policies , and it is an important topic in the academic circle of finance and economy .

  15. 本文概括了我国上市公司四大财务能力,并计算了反映这些财务能力的主要比率指标最近五个季度的数学期望值与标准离差率。

    This paper summarizes four major financial abilities of the listed company in China , and calculates the expected value and the standard deviation rate of the index of main rate which reflect these financial ability in the late five quarters .

  16. 接着,从我国企业集团的组建模式、财务特征与财务战略等角度探讨了集团公司资金管理的核心内容与战略功能,突出了集团大财务观念。

    The second part argues about the core content and strategy function of the group cash management from different facets such as the construction patterns of our enterprise groups , finance characters and finance strategies , emphasizing the concept of the group ' general finance ' .

  17. 预计百仕通集团(Blackstone)也将与西蒙联手,并可能向阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)等投资者求助,以获得更大的财务实力。

    Blackstone is also expected to join forces with Simon and may turn to investors such as the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority for additional financial firepower .

  18. 罗伯特博世基金会(robertboschfoundation)几乎持有博世的全部股份,这一不同寻常的持股安排保证了公司的稳定性,并赋予公司更大的财务灵活性,从而鼓励进行长期的战略思考。

    It is almost entirely owned by the Robert Bosch Foundation , an unusual arrangement that ensures stability at the company as well as encouraging long-term thinking by giving it more financial flexibility .

  19. 我要冒多大的财务风险?

    How much of a financial risk am I willing to take ?

  20. 他还年轻,而且没有太大的财务负担。

    He is still young and has limited financial commitments .

  21. 你可能要处理比你身边的帅哥更大的财务负担。

    You might be dealing with greater financial burdens than the dudes around you .

  22. 深化大联勤财务改革要处理好六个关系

    Dealing well with the relations in deepening the financial reform of logistics joint service support

  23. 他估计不想跟我沾上边了吧,我爸弄了这么大的财务丑闻

    I guess he doesn 't want anything to do with me anymore because of my father 's financial scandal .

  24. 你们和全国的消费者多等待一天,你们都要冒更大的财务风险。

    Every day we waited was a day you and consumers all across the country were at greater financial risk .

  25. 亚洲球队八年前的赛场表现非常精彩,越来越大的财务投入似乎是取得了一定的实效。

    Eight years ago , the sport seemed to make headway in matching that growing interest with strong play on the field .

  26. 对外担保的上市公司存在比较大的财务风险,而那些违规担保的上市公司的财务风险尤其突出。

    External guarantee ' listed companies exist large financial risk , While those of the illegal guarantee ' listed companies ' financial risk is particularly prominent .

  27. 但随着安然,世通等美国大公司财务丑闻的爆发,很多学者发现,建立在理性假设基础上的公司治理制度似乎并没有起到应有的作用。

    But after the financial scandal of Enron and Worldcom , lots of scholars found that , corporate governance system based on rational assumption seems fail .

  28. 麦肯锡研究了住房成本占家庭收入的比例,从而显示出城市居民面临多大的财务压力。

    McKinsey looked at the cost of housing as a proportion of household income , showing the extent to which a city 's residents face financial pressure .

  29. 语言信息在我国上市公司财务报告中的比例越来越大,财务报告的这种变化给了公司管理层可乘之机,他们利用自己的信息优势,来操纵语言信息。

    The trend that language information weighs more and more in financial annual reports of public enterprises offers administrators an opportunity to manipulate language information with their information advantage .

  30. 的确财务报告应该迎接新时代的挑战,突破传统模式,提供质量更高,价值更大的财务信息。

    We think that Financial Report should face the new era 's challenge , break the model of traditional Financial Report and supply the higher quality and more valuable financial information .