
  • 网络aiden;EDEN;Aidan;Anthony Eden;Edam
  1. 也许吧你上次见艾登是什么时候

    Maybe . When was the last time you saw Aiden ?

  2. 艾登我需要知道那个人不是�

    Aiden , I need to know it wasn 't you .

  3. 恶魔艾登不喜欢这个时候,我也一样。

    Erdon the demon hates this time and so do I !

  4. 我想她一定会略去艾登的

    Well , I 'm sure she 'll be excluding Aiden ,

  5. 艾登我也想但是…

    Oh , Aiden , I would love to , but ...

  6. 大卫艾登堡是深受英国观众爱戴的电视主持人之一。

    David Attenborough is one of Britain 's best-loved TV presenters .

  7. 艾登你确定这样好吗

    Aiden , are you sure that 's a good idea ?

  8. 为什么艾登把这事瞒着我

    Why the hell wouldn 't Aiden tell me about this ?

  9. 我看到昨天午餐时你跟艾登分手了

    after what happened today at lunch with you and Aiden ?

  10. 你也请了艾登没我请了他的老板

    You invited Aiden ? No. I invited Aiden 's boss .

  11. 艾登咬了肘垫也咬了普拉特?

    Aiden biting that armrest also meant that she bit pratt ?

  12. 艾登问题是我不会读唇语

    Problem is , Aiden , I can 't read lips .

  13. 按你的要求我黑进了艾登的手机

    Uh , as requested , I hacked Aiden 's phone .

  14. 艾登说维多利亚甚至知道假怀孕的事

    Aiden said that Victoria even knew about the fake pregnancy .

  15. 我蜷起来阅读艾登最后一封信。

    I curied up to read aidan 's Iast words to me .

  16. 你不能独自承受这些艾登

    You can 't carry this burden alone , Aiden .

  17. 艾登知道普拉特要杀她。

    Aiden had to know that Pratt was going to kill her .

  18. 艾登在联合索引系统中找到与调酒棒上相符的了。

    Aiden got a CODIS hit on the Swizzle stick .

  19. 这位就是设计师艾登萧。

    This is the designer . This is Aidan Shaw .

  20. 艾登需要安全气囊到洗手间

    So apparently Aidan needed an airbag in the bathroom .

  21. 他不是那种人,艾登是个好人

    Aidan isn 't like that . He 's a good guy .

  22. 艾登的父亲是希思罗机场的行李员

    Aiden 's dad was a baggage handler at Heathrow .

  23. 艾登可信他完成了交易

    We can trust Aiden . He made the trades .

  24. 艾登的时间不多了

    it means that Aiden is running out of time .

  25. 没事艾登是个好人

    Yeah . Yeah . A-aiden 's a good guy .

  26. 不仅只有你担心艾登的归来

    You 're not the only one concerned why Aiden 's back .

  27. 艾登看到给我回电话

    Aiden , call me the second you get this .

  28. 艾登既然你住进庄园了

    Aiden , since you 're living at the manor ,

  29. 我跟艾登的感情很短暂而且过去很久了

    What I had with Aiden was fleeting and long before us ,

  30. 艾登我知道你有多痛苦

    Aiden , I know how hard it must be ,