
  • 网络water-saving irrigation technology
  1. 彭阳县推广机械化旱作农业及节水灌溉技术的实践与探讨

    Practice and Discussion of Spreading Dry Farming and Water-Saving Irrigation Technology

  2. 农户采用节水灌溉技术激励机制的研究

    Review of incentive mechanism to induce farmers ' adoption of water-saving irrigation technology

  3. 利用Logit模型分析了农户采用节水灌溉技术的影响因素。

    Logit model is used to analyze the impact factors of the farmers adopting the water-saving irrigation technologies .

  4. 正确掌握水稻节水灌溉技术的有关指标

    Some Technical Indexes for Grasping Correctly Water Saving Irrigation of Rice

  5. 建立节水灌溉技术体系发展高产优质果园

    Establishing Water-saving Irrigation System and Developing High Yield and Quality Orchard

  6. 完善农业生产体制加快节水灌溉技术的推进

    Perfecting Agriculture Production System , Quickening Pace to Promote Water-saving Technique

  7. 浅议节水灌溉技术的发展与应用

    Discussion on the Development and Application of the Water-saving Irrigation Techniques

  8. 节水灌溉技术体系与发展对策的研究

    Study on Technical System and Development Measures of Water Saving Irrigation

  9. 浅析水稻节水灌溉技术适宜控制的方法

    Analysis on Method of Control in Water-saving Irrigation of Paddy Rice

  10. 覆膜大豆膜上节水灌溉技术的应用

    Application of water saving irrigation technology on the cover membrance soybeans

  11. 构建技术信息平台,推广行走式节水灌溉技术

    Constructing the Technology Information Platform , Spreading Walk Water-saving Irrigation Technology

  12. 汾河灌区水稻节水灌溉技术研究

    Study on the Rice Water Saving Irrigation Technology in Fen River Basin

  13. 水稻节水灌溉技术研究现状与发展趋势

    Current Condition and Development Tendency of Rice Saving Water Irrigation

  14. 宁夏干旱半干旱山区水窖蓄流节水灌溉技术的研究与应用

    Water cellar and its water-saving techniques for arid mountain area of Ningxia

  15. 节水灌溉技术装备及其发展模式

    The Technical Equipment of Water-saving Irrigation and Its Development Mode

  16. 不同节水灌溉技术下水分运动的试验与模拟

    Test and simulation for moisture move in different irrigation systems

  17. 不同节水灌溉技术的节水机理试验研究

    Experimental Research on Water-Saving Mechanisms of Different Water-Saving Irrigation Techniques

  18. 南方季节性缺水灌区旱地节水灌溉技术设备适应性示范研究

    Studies on Water-saving Irrigation Technologies Adaptability in Seasonally Dryland In South China

  19. 依靠科技进步发展现代化农业节水灌溉技术

    Water-saving and Irrigation Technology for Modernization Agriculture Based on the Science and Technology

  20. 节水灌溉技术在许昌花卉基地的应用

    Application of Water Saving Irrigation Technology in the Flower Base of Xuchang City

  21. 水田灌区节水灌溉技术的研究与应用

    Study and application of water saving irrigation technology in paddy field irrigation area

  22. 节水灌溉技术在井灌区的应用

    Application of water-saving irrigation technique in well irrigation area

  23. 河北省农业节水灌溉技术比选

    Agriculture Irrigation Technology Comparison in Hebei Prov in ce

  24. 丘陵山地集雨和节水灌溉技术的应用

    The application of water harvesting and water-saving irrigation technique on hills and uplands

  25. 现代节水灌溉技术与传统灌溉方式对比试验及分析

    Comparative Test and Analysis of Modern Water-saving Irrigation Technology and Traditional Irrigation Way

  26. 节水灌溉技术方案的优化设计

    Optimization design on technique project for saving water irrigation

  27. 小管出流灌溉技术是一种现代节水灌溉技术。

    This paper introduces thoroughly the characters of the small tube flow irrigation .

  28. 黄河淤区节水灌溉技术研究与应用

    Research and application of water-saving irrigation technique in silted area of Yellow River

  29. 大面积水稻节水灌溉技术的研究

    Study on the technique for saving water to irrigate rice in large area

  30. 陕西省旱作及节水灌溉技术推广

    Dry farming and water-saving technology popularization in Shaanxi province