
  • 网络paradox of thrift
  1. 但节约悖论(Paradoxofthrift)意味着,沿着这种思路的共同努力,将会推动美国这样的经济体陷入更深的衰退,从而提高债务与收入之比。

    But the paradox of thrift means that a concerted effort along these lines will drive an economy such as that of the US deeper into recession , raising debt-to-income ratios .

  2. 我们因节约之悖论而深受其害:储蓄是种美德,但是当所有人突然开始猛存钱,结果就是整体经济倒霉。

    We 're suffering from the paradox of thrift : saving is a virtue , but when everyone tries to sharply increase saving at the same time , the effect is a depressed economy .