
  1. “洪荒之力”指一个人史无前例的力量,它首次出现于中国电视剧《花千骨》当中。

    To refer to one 's prehistoric power , first appeared in the Chinese television drama The Journey of Flower .

  2. 我都能够预想到这对师徒(白子画和花千骨)之间的爱情故事。

    I could already foresee the love story behind the teacher ( Bai Zi Hua ) and student ( Hua Qian Gu ) 。

  3. 我刚看了《花千骨》的预告短片,大概15分钟的长度。

    I just watch a short trailer of The Journey of flowers , which was more like a 15min summary of the show .

  4. 后来白子画囚禁了花千骨16年,使得花千骨斩断了和他的所有联系,最后成了妖神。

    Then Bai Zi Hua later imprisons her for 16 years leading her to cut off all ties with him and become the demon god .

  5. 《花千骨》就是基于一部描写道教传说的网络小说改编成后来的电视剧,并在去年爱奇艺网站中力压众剧,掀起一股收视狂潮。

    The Journey of Flower , a Taoist legend taken from an online script and then TV series , was among the biggest splashes on its streaming site last year .

  6. 我搞不懂花千骨是怎样爱上白子画,又想用自己的血救活他的。而白子画为了救花千骨自己差点一命呜呼。

    I did not get how Hua Qian Gu fell in love with Bai Zi Hua and wanted to save him with her blood because he nearly died trying to save her .

  7. 预告片的片尾,白子画因为不能没有花千骨于是就去找她,结果身心破碎,上了花千骨的当而误杀了她。

    Ending with the Spoiler at the end where Bai Zi Hua goes out to search for her because he can 't live without her to only be heartbroken and deceived by her into killing her 。

  8. 戴安娜还表示,仅2015年,该字幕组就为《武媚娘传奇》、《无心法师》、《他来了,请闭眼》和《花千骨》等多部中国电视剧做了字幕。

    According to Diana , in 2015 alone , the Bears has subtitled various Chinese series like The Empress of China , Wu Xin : the Monster Killer , Love Me If You Dare , The Journey of Flower and so on .

  9. 回首2015年,大部分广受欢迎的电视节目都是根据网络小说改编,从《花千骨》到《芈月传》,根据网络小说改编的影视不仅卖座,还成就了很多年轻的演员。

    Looking back at the year 2015 , the majority of popular TV shows were adaptations of online novels . From The Journey of Flower to The Legend of Mi Yue , shows based on online literature IPs did not just become top-grossing productions , but also have helped lauch the careers of a number of young actors and actresses .