
  • 网络Holyrood;The Scottish Parliament;Scottish Assembly
  1. 18个月前,人们普遍猜测前外交大臣可能会空降至苏格兰议会。

    There was intense speculation 18 months ago that the former foreign secretary might be parachuted into the Scottish Parliament .

  2. 他领导的工党政府在爱丁堡的圣路德(Holyrood)建立了苏格兰议会。

    His Labour government established a Scottish parliament at Holyrood .

  3. 给你们地区的苏格兰议会议员写信抗议。

    Write to your local MSP to protest .

  4. 英国前任首相托尼布莱尔(tonyblair)在1997年上台后,曾向苏格兰议会移交了大量权力,希望借此终止苏格兰的独立进程。

    Tony Blair , former prime minister , hoped to have halted the case for independence when he devolved a significant amount of power to a parliament in Edinburgh after he took power in 1997 .

  5. 当苏格兰议会监测服务机构newsdirect负责人克斯蒂里根(kirstyregan)宣布自己要去上这个课时,同事们取笑说,她将学会怎么写关于银行的童话。

    When Kirsty Regan , director of newsdirect , a Scottish parliamentary monitoring service , announced that she was going on the course , colleagues teased her , saying she would learn to pen fairytales about banks .

  6. 融于大地&新苏格兰议会之环境

    Into the Land & The Environment of the Scottish Parliament Building

  7. 他们建议辟设威尔士议会和苏格兰议会。

    They proposed the creation of Welsh and Scottish parliaments .

  8. 关于建立威尔士和苏格兰议会的提案。

    Proposals for the creation of Welsh and Scottish parliaments .

  9. 苏格兰议会已控制苏格兰的卫生、教育、交通运输和多数其他基础设施。

    Holyrood already controls health , education , transport and most other infrastructure .

  10. 苏格兰议会大选在明年5月进行。

    The Scottish Parliament elections take place next may .

  11. 苏格兰议会设立的意义

    Significance of the establishment of the Scottish parliament

  12. 上周,苏格兰议会中两名和平主义议员从苏格兰民族党辞职。

    Last week two pacifist members of the Scottish Parliament resigned from the SNP .

  13. 诗意与政治的交融&爱丁堡苏格兰议会大厦评析

    Poetics blending with politics : Evaluate and Analysis of The Scottish Parliament building , Edinburgh

  14. 之前的3个世纪里都没有的苏格兰议会,为何在1999年忽然成立了?

    Why did it in 1999 suddenly acquire a parliament after three centuries without one ?

  15. 他们可以在苏格兰议会选举中把票投给苏格兰民族党,同时在英国大选中把票投给统一派政党。

    They can vote for the SNP in Scotland while backing unionist parties in British general elections .

  16. 斯密指出,苏格兰议会“认为通过这个计划是不恰当的”。

    The parliament of Scotland , Smith noted , " did not think proper to adopt it " .

  17. 她对苏格兰议会,威尔士以及北爱尔兰议会都要行使相似的职责。

    She also carries out similar tasks for the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh and Northern Irish Assemblies .

  18. 支持统一的三党联合做出承诺,给苏格兰议会更多的权力。

    The three pro-union parties have made commitments , clear commitments , on further powers for the Scottish Parliament .

  19. 该党的反对者现在主张,苏格兰议会很快就会拥有收入再分配和引入福利的权力。

    The party 's opponents now argue that Holyrood will soon have the powers to redistribute income and introduce benefits .

  20. 新苏格兰议会富有创意的设计代表了一个崭新的苏格兰,不再是一个高高在上的权利的象征。

    The innovative design of the Scottish Parliament represents a new Scotland rather than a symbol of power overlooking its people .

  21. 你唯一能见到真牛的机会,就是那些在苏格兰议会外、苏格兰皇家银行租用的草地上吃草的牛。

    The only cows you would see would be those grazing outside the Scottish parliament in the fields rented by RBS .

  22. 由于税收权力仍归伦敦,苏格兰议会将无法对苏格兰收入分布最底层五分之一的人群重新分配收入。

    Because of the tax powers still vested in London , Holyrood will not be able to redistribute income to the bottom fifth of Scottish earners .

  23. 苏格兰的新议会大厦坐落于爱丁堡著名的皇家里底端,紧邻壮观的哈路德公园。

    Scotland 's new Parliament sits at the foot of Edinburgh 's famous Royal Mile close to the spectacular Holyrood Park .

  24. 对于苏格兰议员在英国议会的投票权是否以及何时应该削弱,确实有必要开展一场合理辩论。

    There is a legitimate debate to be had about if and when Scottish MPs should step back from voting at Westminster .

  25. 至于所谓工党向来依靠苏格兰才能在英国议会中占多数的传说,选举事实表明这只是个传说而已。

    As for the myth that Labour invariably relies on Scotland for a majority at Westminster , the electoral facts show it is just that – a myth .

  26. 比利·科诺利(BillyConnolly)是苏格兰最有名的喜剧演员,他曾经拿苏格兰议会开玩笑,说它是“我们假装的议会”,结果因此招来各种苛刻的批评。

    Billy Connolly , Scotland 's most famous comedian , once joked about the Scottish Parliament , calling it a " wee pretendy Parliament , " only to be inundated with vitriol .

  27. 他们说,既然苏格兰要获得更多自治权,苏格兰议员在英国议会的地位就必须相应削弱。

    The price for Scots of more devolution , they say , must be a diminished role for their MPs at Westminster .

  28. 2007年苏格兰民族党(ScottishNationalParty,简称SNP)入主苏格兰议会后,宪法问题成了苏格兰政治的中心,最终带来独立公投。

    Since 2007 , when the Scottish National party took charge of the devolved parliament , constitutional questions - culminating in the independence referendum - have defined politics north of the border .

  29. 上轮大选中托利党在苏格兰得到六分之一的选票,但在代表苏格兰的59个议会席位中只得到1个席位。

    The Tories in Scotland won about one in six votes at the last general election , but got just one of 59 Scottish seats at Westminster .

  30. 他们抗争的理由之一是来自不同地方的议员的权利有所不同,苏格兰的议员可以对英格兰事务的法律投票,但英格兰的议员却无权参与苏格兰议会的事务。

    Currently an MP from Scotland can vote on legislation which affects only England but MPs from England ( or indeed Scotland ) cannot vote on matters devolved to the Scottish parliament .