
  • 网络Moss yellow;yelow coating of the tongue
  1. 湿热阻络证(17.2%),苔黄腻为本型最重要的影响因素;

    Syndrome of dampness-heat blocking collaterals ( 17.2 % ), yellow greasy furred tongue is the important factor ;

  2. 舌脉常见舌红,苔黄腻多见,以脉滑数多见。

    The tongue and pulse common red tongue , yellow greasy moss to see more , slippery pulse number to see .

  3. 热毒炽盛证:口腔溃疡、牙龈肿痛、痰涕黄稠、舌红、苔黄、脉弦数。

    The heat-toxin syndromes : dental ulcer , gum boss and pain , brightly red blood-snivel , red tongue with yellowish fur , string pulse .

  4. 舌胖、苔黄、舌淡、舌边有齿痕、苔厚腻等8种舌象出现频率在25%以上。

    Tongue fat , moss yellow , tongue light , tongue edge tooth marks , moss thick greasy , eight kinds of tongue like frequency of25 % or more .

  5. DBIL/IBIL≥1患者如出现脉数、苔黄提示湿郁化热。

    If quick pulse and yellow tongue fur appeared in patients with DBIL / IBIL ≥ 1 , it indicates that the presence of heat conversion of the dampness stagnancy .

  6. 湿热证的主症为潮红、渗液、水疱、糜烂、心烦、口渴、舌质红、苔黄;

    The chief manifestations of Damp-Heat Type are diffuse redness , exudations on the affected skin , blisters , erosions , anxiety , thirst and red tongue with yellow coating .

  7. 实证的主要症状:肛门灼热,脓血便,口苦,食少纳呆,腹胀,里急后重,苔黄腻,乏力,腹痛拒按,小便短赤。

    Evidence of the main symptoms : anal burning , blood and pus , mouth pain , food less anorexia , abdominal distension , abdominal pain , refused to press , tenesmus , yellow and greasy coating , weak , short red urine .

  8. 但舌红苔黄腻并非本证的唯一舌象,认为与患者体质的强弱、胃气的盛衰、邪气的性质以及湿热的偏颇有关。

    However , the red tongue with yellow sticky coating was not the only tongue picture in the syndrome , which might relate to the constitution of the patient , the function of stomach , the nature of pathogen and the partiality of dampness or heat .

  9. 第二类群中医证候符合肝阳上亢证候,主要相关症状有:头晕或眩晕、头胀、头痛、耳鸣、胸闷、恶心呕吐、烦躁,舌红暗,苔黄,脉弦滑。

    The second group in line with traditional Chinese medicine symptoms of liver yang syndromes , mainly related symptoms include : dizziness or vertigo , stretching , headache , tinnitus , chest tightness , nausea , vomiting , irritability , mamillata dark , moss yellow , slippery pulse string .

  10. 西药治疗组中,血沉、腰膝酸软、苔白、关节疼痛、屈伸不利和关节肿胀等与疗效呈正相关,苔黄、舌红、白细胞检测与疗效呈负相关。

    In WM , erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR ), weak waist , white fur in tongue , joint pain , joint stiffness and swollen joint were positively related to the efficacy , and yellow fur in tongue , red tongue , white blood negatively related to the efficacy .