
  1. 园林苗圃是城市绿化建设中的重要组成部分,苗木是园林绿化建设的物资基础。

    The nursery is the important component in the construction of city afforestation , Seedling is the goods and materials foundation of construction of afforestation .

  2. 花卉苗木的城市绿化功能是城市建设的保障,其较为高端化的农业产业特性,促使其在城市化加剧的进程中发展持续升温。

    The landscaped for urban greening function is the protection of the urban construction . Its high-end agricultural industry characteristics promote its development continues to heat up in the process of urbanization intensified .

  3. 面对城市化过程中城市生态环境的恶化,各个城市都在大力进行城市绿化美化的建设,而园林苗木是城市绿化美化的主要材料,是园林建设的根本物质基础。

    With the deterioration of the urban ecological environment during the urbanization , Each city is making great efforts to construct green coverage of city . The garden nursery stock , which is the material base of gardens construction , is the main material of green coverage of city .

  4. 从城市生态绿地系统建设探讨园林苗木生产优良园林绿化树种阿丁枫育苗技术研究

    Production of Nursery Plants for Landscape Gardening based on the Construction of Urban Green-land Ecosystem Study on the Sowing Seedling-raising of Altingia chinensis

  5. 苗木是城市园林绿化建设、改善环境质量物质基础之一,为此本文分析了作为绿化材料生产部门的园林苗圃业可持续发展过程中存在的3个方面的隐患及其发展对策。

    Since nursery stocks is one of material foundations on urban greening construction and environmental improvement , the paper points out three aspects of hidden dangers which confine the sustainable development of garden nursery industry as productive branch of green materials and their countermeasure .