
kǔ xìng rén
  • The bitter almond;semen armeniacae amarae
苦杏仁[kǔ xìng rén]
  1. 这有苦杏仁的味道。

    It tasted of bitter almonds .

  2. HPLC法测定苦杏仁中苦杏仁苷含量的方法研究

    Study of the Determination Method of Amygdalin in Bitter Almond by HPLC

  3. 采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)对长柄扁桃仁苦杏仁苷含量进行了测定,并与其他蔷薇科植物种仁苦杏仁苷含量进行了比较。

    Content of amygdalin of amygdalus kernel was determined by using high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) .

  4. 以自合成的手性二氧大环多胺作为手性溶解剂,采用NMR技术对苦杏仁酸进行手性识别研究。

    NMR technique is undertaken to study the chiral recognition between mandelic acid and chiral dioxocyclen synthesized by ourselves .

  5. 该研究以单因素试验和正交试验相结合的方法对苦杏仁脂肪油的超临界CO2萃取工艺进行了研究。

    Factors influencing oil yield of bitter almond extracted by supercritical CO2 were studied with both single factor and orthogonal experiment .

  6. RP-HPLC法测定郁李仁中苦杏仁苷含量

    RP-HPLC determination of amygdalin in Semen Pruni

  7. HPLC法测定清咽止咳膏中苦杏仁苷的含量清热祛痰止咳法治疗支气管扩张症30例

    Determination of Amygdalin in Qingyan Zhike Gao by HPLC Cases of Bronchiectasis Treated with Method of Clearing Heat , Removing Sputum and Stop Cough

  8. FAAS法测定苦杏仁和甜杏仁中的13种金属元素

    Determination of Thirteen Metal Elements in Prunus Dulcis and Semen Armeniacae Amarum by FAAS

  9. 杏仁(Almond)为蔷薇科(Rosebush)李属(Plum)植物杏果的成熟种子,分为甜杏仁和苦杏仁两大类。

    Almond is ripe seed from apricot belong to plum of Rosebush .

  10. 麻黄汤合煎汤剂与颗粒汤剂中苦杏仁苷含量测定麻黄附子细辛汤对Th1、Th2型细胞因子和淋巴细胞凋亡的影响

    The effect of Chinese Ephedra , Aconite and Asarum Decoction on Th1 、 Th2 and apoptosis of lymphocytes

  11. 尿儿茶酚胺(CA)、尿香草基苦杏仁酸(VMA)阳性率分别为31.6%、63.2%。

    The positive rate of the urine catecholamine and VMA was 31 . 6 % , 63 . 2 % respectively .

  12. TBHQ和茶多酚对苦杏仁油都具有良好的抗氧化活性。

    Both TBHQ and Tea Polyphenols have positive effect on the oil anti-oxidation processes .

  13. 在苦杏仁油中茶多酚的最适添加量为200mg/kg,柠檬酸和维生素C对茶多酚表现出一定的增效作用,且维生素C的效果优于柠檬酸。

    The optimum amount of Tea Polyphenols is 200mg / kg . The Citric acid and Vitamin C are the synergists of Tea Polyphenols . The experiment result shows that the effect of Vitamin C is better than Citric acid .

  14. 优化了用苯酚与乙醛酸合成对羟基苦杏仁酸的反应条件,并在普通色谱柱上用HPLC法成功地测定了粗产物的纯度。

    Reaction condition for synthesis of P hydroxymandelic acid through reacting phenol with glyoxylic acid was optimized . The purity of the obtained raw product was well determined by HPLC on common column .

  15. 其重要的临床表现为VMA(3-甲氧-4-羟苦杏仁酸)升高。

    The most important clinical features of adrenal neuroblastoma was increase of vanillylmandelic acid ( VMA ) .

  16. 在pH值为4的35℃的酸性溶液中浸泡36h,可以完全去除苦杏仁的苦味;

    And it may completely remove the bitter of almond oil by soaking in the acid liquor ( pH value 4 , 35 ℃) for 36 hours .

  17. 苦杏仁的有效成分苦杏仁苷经提取、处理后,用HPLC法、紫外分光光度法、二阶导数光谱法测定其含量。

    Three analysis methods were used in this study to analyze the content of amygdalin , and the effective components in bitter apricot kernel , namely , HPLC method , UV-Spectrophotometric method and Second-derivative spectra method .

  18. 长白山地区苦杏仁中抗癌有效成分的提取及其对小鼠肝脏微粒体细胞色素P-450含量的影响

    Extraction of Antitumor Composition of Bitter Almonds and Its Effects on the Content of Hepatic Microsome Cytochrome P-450 in Mice

  19. 硝基苯(NB)是一种无色或微黄色具有苦杏仁味的油状液体,难溶于水,易溶于乙醇、乙醚、苯等。

    Nitrobenzene ( NB ) is a colorless or slightly yellow with a bitter almond taste oily liquid , insoluble in water , soluble in ethanol , ether , benzene and so on .

  20. 用3种瘤株如肝癌腹水型、肉瘤(180)(S(180))、艾氏腹水癌(EAC)研究了长白山苦杏仁提取物的抗肿瘤作用。

    Antineoplastic action of bitter almond of Changbai Mountains on transplanted tumor ( hepatoma , Sarcoma_ ( 180 ), EAC ) in mice was described .

  21. 苦杏仁提取物的抗癌作用及其对移植性肝癌小鼠肝脏细胞色素P-450含量和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性的影响

    Antitumor Action of the Extract of Bitter Almonds and Its Effect on the Content of Hepatic Microsomal Cytochrome P-450 and on the Activities of Glutathiones-Transferases

  22. 高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定苦杏仁苷产品纯度为96.20%,总提取率为43.07%,并经熔点、紫外光谱、红外光谱、核磁共振光谱等手段对产品进行了表征。

    The purity of amygdalin was 96.20 % measured by High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ), the total yield was 43.07 % . Melting point , UV , IR , NMR spectra were also used to identify the product structure . 2 .

  23. 苦杏仁的脱苦方法:柠檬酸溶液,重量为苦杏仁重量的5倍,柠檬酸溶液浓度0.8%,料液温度45℃,脱苦时间22h。

    Citric acid solution was used by 5 times quality as much as almond to remove toxin from bitter almond .

  24. 生苦杏仁的醚提物和水煎液在体外培养的Raji细胞上有诱导EBV-EA的激活作用。

    The ethereal extract and decoction from raw Semen Armeniacae Amarum were found to induce EBV-EA activation in Raji cells cultured in vitro .

  25. 苦杏仁的去皮方法:0.8%NaOH溶液煮沸,去皮时间2min。

    The skin of bitter almond can be easily removed with 0.8 % boiling NaOH solution for 2 minutes .

  26. 实验结果表明,大孔树脂LSA-30比较适合吸附和分离苦杏仁苷,其交换容量为55.5mg/mL的湿树脂,在室温条件下,pH在6-9时,吸附能力较强;

    The results showed : LSA-30 resin is fit to adsorb and separate amygdalin , the adsorption capacity of LSA - 30 resin for amygdalin was 55.5mg/mL wet resin .

  27. 对桃仁进行36℃下的真空、敞口条件陈化处理,每隔15d对桃仁中的苦杏仁甙含量、油脂酸值、过氧化值、羰基值、水分变化进行测量。

    Peach kernel was stored in vacuum and in the air at 36 ℃ . Amygdalin and moisture content of peach kernel , acid value ( AV ), peroxide value ( POV ) and carbonyl value of its oil were measured every 15 days .

  28. 书中介绍的一种“高烈度混合剂”叫做VeninumLupinum,它的组成成分包括乌头毒草,紫杉,生石灰,苦杏仁以及混合蜂蜜的玻璃粉。

    One'very strong mixture'used in the book is the Veninum Lupinum , which consists of a mix of aconite , taxus baccata , caustic lime , arsenic , bitter almonds and powdered glass mixed with honey .

  29. 目的:测定中药郁李仁中苦杏仁甙的含量。

    Objective : To determine amygdalin content of prunus tomentosa Thunb .

  30. 2,4-二硝基苯肼法测定苦杏仁甙及其药物代谢动力学的研究

    Assay of Amygdalin Using 2 , 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine and Pharmacokinetics of Amygdalin