
  1. 如果当我们感到痛苦和疲惫,我们必须要强迫自己经历一个思想转变的过程,那将是一个质的飞跃和转变,或许那会是一段苦难的历程。

    If we feel pain and tired , we have to force ourself to experience a thought transformation process , that will be a qualitative leap and change , perhaps it is a section of the suffering of the course .

  2. 九部交响曲代表了他与苦难命运抗争的心路历程。

    Nine symphonies of Beethoven show the pilgrim of his thought fighting with the fate .

  3. 以歌、舞、诗三位一体的形式,描述了中国人民从苦难走向胜利的艰苦历程。

    Employing the art forms of song , dance and poetry , it depicted the arduous struggle of the Chinese people to achieve victory from past hardships .

  4. 船山一生,颠沛流离,其苦难而壮丽的生命历程是他历史哲学思想之践行基础和源泉。

    Wang chuanshan draft from place to place in his life , and the suffering but soft life process became the bases of his philosophy of history .