
  • 网络linguistics;English Linguistics;English Language
  1. 基于NetMeeting的英语语言学实时远程教学实验

    An Experimental Report On Synchronous Distance Teaching Based On NetMeeting In English Linguistics Class

  2. 高师英语语言学课程教学的问题与改革设想

    Problems and Reforms in Teaching English Linguistics at Teachers ' Colleges

  3. 利用英语语言学研究的成果,结合语料库中常见的词性标注方法,对运用于双语词典编纂的CONULEXID语料库系统中的语料词性标注问题进行了初步的探讨。

    This paper attempts to propose a rule based part of speech tagging scheme to annotate CONULEXID , which is a computerized bilingual corpus utilized in the bilingual lexicography .

  4. 情态动词CAN在英语语言学文章中频繁出现。

    The modal auxiliary CAN is used frequently in linguistic articles .

  5. 社会建构主义理论指导下的英语语言学课程教学

    English Linguistics Course Teaching under the Guidance of Social Constructivism

  6. 从英语语言学角度探析高级英语教学

    A Study of Advanced English Teaching from the Perspective of English Linguistics

  7. 探索趣味性英语语言学课堂教学模式

    A Probe into the Interesting Mode of Linguistics Teaching

  8. 第六章讨论了英语语言学文章中CAN的三个主要语用功能。

    Chapter six discusses three main pragmatic functions of CAN in linguistic articles .

  9. 英语语言学课程的互动式多媒体教学

    Interactive CAI Teaching Mode in English Linguistics Course

  10. 基于关联理论的英语语言学学术文章中情态动词CAN的研究

    A Study of the Modal Auxiliary CAN in English Linguistic Articles Based on Relevance Theory

  11. 史密斯教授被公认为是最了不起的英语语言学学者之一。

    Professor Smith is recognized to be one of the great scholars in English p ilology .

  12. 从双宾句的研究看英语语言学理论对现代汉语语法的负面影响

    The Negative Effect of the English Linguistic Theory upon Chinese from the Study of Double-object Sentence

  13. 希秦斯先生承认有时会有不足,但从英语语言学来说,他是更为高兴的。

    Mr Hitchings admits to wincing occasionally , but almost on principle he is more cheerful than not .

  14. 戴炜栋等编,1998,《现代英语语言学概论》,上海外语教育出版社。

    Dai Weidong , 1998 ," An Introduction to Modern English linguistics ," Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press .

  15. 英语语言学中的模糊语包括词汇模糊语,句法模糊语,语义模糊语,主要体现在语境上。

    English ambiguity in English linguistics includes lexical ambiguity , syntactic ambiguity and semantic ambiguity , which are mainly on context .

  16. 高学位、高职称、高职务和德才兼备的教师是英语语言学专业硕士生选择导师的首选。

    The supervisor with high degree , high title and high duty should be considered first in the selection of supervisor for English linguistics of Master degree student .

  17. 根据英语语言学理论和一线的教学经验,探索并提出了如何循序渐进地提高学生英语听说能力的行之有效的方法。

    Based on English linguistics theories and the teaching experience , the authors probe into the effective methods of how to improve the students ' aural-speaking abilities step by step .

  18. 英语语言学教授迈克尔-塞缪尔斯于1965年启动该项目。4年后(1969年),凯教授(现年69岁)来到格拉斯哥大学并成为该项目的研究助理。

    It was in 1969 that Professor Kay , now 69 , arrived at the University of Glasgow to work as a research assistant on a project that had been started four years earlier by the Professor of English Language , Michael Samuels .

  19. 史蒂文·温伯格(StevenWeinberger)是乔治梅森大学英语系语言学主任,该校位于弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县。

    Steven Weinberger is the director of linguistics in the English Department at George Mason University in Fairfax , Virginia .

  20. 英语专业语言学课程教学效果调查及对策研究

    A Study of Teaching Effects and Reform in Linguistics Course for English Majors

  21. 从应用语言学研究领域看我国英语应用语言学教学与研究

    English Applied Linguistics in China from the Perspective of Domains of Applied Linguistics

  22. 英语专业语言学课堂教学刍议

    On the Linguistic Course Classroom Teaching of English Major

  23. 关于高校英语专业语言学导论类课程设置的调查

    The course of " Introduction to Linguistics " for college English majors : survey and suggestions

  24. 本文旨在探讨高校英语专业语言学导论类课程的设置方法。

    This paper is a tentative probe for a better way of offering college English majors the course of " Introduction to linguistics " .

  25. 第二部分为汉英语的语言学比较,指出英语是表音式语言,汉语是语标式语言;

    The second part is a linguistic comparison of Chinese and English , stating that English is a phonetic language , whereas Chinese is a logographic language ;

  26. 维也纳大学(UniversityofVienna)英语与应用语言学教授芭芭拉?赛德尔霍弗(BarbaraSeidlhofer)表示,人们通常感觉没有英语母语人士在场会更轻松。

    Barbara Seidlhofer , professor of English and applied linguistics at the University of Vienna , says relief at the absence of native speakers is common .

  27. 因此近年来,轮机英语成为了语言学界的一个新的研究领域。

    Therefore , marine engineering English has become a new field in recent studies .

  28. 因为我读了高级英语和英语语言学概论。

    Cause I have to read Advanced English and The Introduction of English Linguistics .

  29. 英语缩略语的语言学价值

    The Linguistic Value of English Abbreviations

  30. 我1988年毕业于上海外国语大学,主修英语文学与语言学,并于1998年获得了语用学硕士学位。

    I graduated from Shanghai Foreign Languages University in1988 , majoring in English literature and linguistics . I got my Master 's degree in GetWord (" pragmatics ");