
shí yàn xīn lǐ xué
  • experimental psychology
  1. 牛津大学实验心理学系的马修·拉什·沃思每天都在他的实验室里看到这种现象。

    Matthew Rush worth , of the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford , sees this in his lab every day .

  2. 加里·卢皮昂教授和丹尼尔·斯威根雷教授在《实验心理学季刊》上发表了一系列关于实验的文章,实验显使用口头提示来激发记忆图像能够帮助人脑更快地运作。

    According to a series of experiments published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology by professors Gary Lupyan and Daniel Swignley , the act of using verbal clues to trigger mental pictures helps people function quicker .

  3. 社会科学家们发现,不管在旅行中还是平时,进行这样的交往能增加幸福感,不过就像埃普利博士和同事朱莉安娜·施罗德(JulianaSchroeder)去年在《实验心理学杂志》上说的那样,离得很近的陌生人“通常会忽略彼此”。

    Social scientists have found that making such connections , whether traveling or not , boosts happiness , and yet strangers in proximity " routinely ignore each other , " as Dr. Epley and his colleague Juliana Schroeder put it in the Journal of Experimental Psychology last year .

  4. 对《实验心理学》应用型示范课程建设的思考

    On Construction of the Applied Model Course of Experimental Psychology

  5. 平面广告文案版式设计的实验心理学研究

    An experimental psychological research on text design and layout of print advertising

  6. 这项调查被发布在实验心理学杂志。

    The research was published in Journal of Experimental Psychology .

  7. 关于自闭症的临床、实验心理学的研究

    Researches on the the clinical and experimental psychology of autism

  8. 这项研究已在《实验心理学》杂志上发表。

    The study is in the Journal of Experimental Psychology .

  9. 疲劳与驾驶时间关系的实验心理学研究

    Experimental Psychology Study on Relationship between Fatigue and Driving Time

  10. 查尔斯在实验心理学系工作。

    Charlex works in the Department of experimental psychology .

  11. 实验心理学系的宗旨在于优等的教学与研究。

    The Department of Experimental Psychology aims for excellence in teaching and research .

  12. 这项研究已经在《实验心理学杂志》上发表。

    The study is the journal of Experimental Psychology .

  13. 中国实验心理学三十年

    Thirty years ' developments in Chinese Experimental Psychology

  14. 他是个实验心理学教授。

    He 's a professor of experimental psychology .

  15. 实验心理学研究者协会促进心理学和同类型科学的科学研究交流。

    The Psychonomic Society promotes the communication of scientific research in psychology and allied sciences .

  16. 这项研究刊登在《实验心理学杂志:人类的感知和行为》上。

    That study is in the Journal of Experimental Psychology : Human Perception and Performance .

  17. 这项研究在实验心理学期刊:动物的学习和认知栏目中发表。

    The study is in the Journal of Experimental Psychology : Animal Learning and Cognition .

  18. 他在德国留学时,曾经学习冯特的实验心理学和哲学。

    When CAI Yuan-pei studied in Germany , he learned experimental psychology and philosophy of Wundt .

  19. 《实验心理学》杂志报道称,这与外向或害羞等性格特点也没有关系。

    Nor did traits such as extraversion or shyness , the Journal of Experimental Psychology reports .

  20. 这些客观彝语言使用情况限制了实验心理学关于彝族文字研究深入的可能性。

    This objective condition of Yi language usage limits the likelihood of depth research in Yi character .

  21. 课程包括实验心理学,统计和数据分析,精神药理学,普通生物学,动物生理学。

    Courses include experimental psychology , statistics and data analysis , psychopharmacology , general biology , and animal physiology .

  22. 男:我从你的简历上看到你在实验心理学读硕士。

    M : I see from your resume that you 've enrolled in an M. A. in experimental psychology .

  23. 实验心理学教授查尔斯•斯宾塞确信,某些音乐流派可作为各种美食的补充。

    Charles Spence , a professor of experimental psychology , is convinced that certain musical genres complement different cuisines .

  24. 先修课程为:《认知心理学》、《实验心理学》。

    Before studying this subject , students should learn " psychology of cognition " and " psychology of experiment " .

  25. 韵律特征在语篇理解中的作用:用实验心理学方法和脑电指标研究韵律对语篇信息整合和指代理解的影响,揭示其作用的认知和神经机制。

    The roles of prosody in information integration and pronoun understanding in discourses were explored with both behavioral and ERP experiments .

  26. 理论心理学的作用是:1.具有提出假设或作出预测,为实验心理学提供研究课题的功能;

    The functions of theoretical psychology are ( 1 ) forming hypotheses and making predictions for the research focus of experiential psychology ;

  27. 本月《实验心理学》杂志最新刊登的一篇研究论文指出,女人确实会在运动过程中大量流汗。

    A new study published this month in the journal Experimental Physiology provides persuasive evidence that women do sweat copiously during exercise .

  28. 实验心理学在旅游地图符号设计中的研究与实践&以混淆性辨别调查实验为例

    Research and practice on the application of experimental psychology to the travel map 's symbol design-a case study of the confusing differentiation experiment

  29. 此类结论与实验心理学中“找不到证据不代表证据不存在”的著名格言相悖。

    Such conclusions contradict the famous dictum of experimental psychology according to which ' absence of evidence is not evidence of absence . '

  30. 笔者认为该著作具有广博、新颖、实用的特色,是实验心理学中的一部力作,值得心理学专业的研究生仔细研读。

    Extensive , novel and practical , it was an influential Book on experimental psychology and a worthy reader for postgraduate psychology majors .