
shí quán
  • real power
实权 [shí quán]
  • [real power] 实际权力

  • 这是一个有实权的职位

实权[shí quán]
  1. 自此之后,军方一直掌握着实权。

    Thereafter , the military remained the locus of real power .

  2. 其原因在于这些独立董事不独立、不懂事、无实权。

    This is caused by their lack of independence , initiative and real power .

  3. 他还是主席,但在公司没有什么实权了。

    He remains chairman , but wields little power at the company .

  4. 在他看来,委员会仍然是一个没有实权、不起作用的机构。

    In his view , the Commission remains a toothless and ineffectual body .

  5. 绝对不要幻想那个头衔会有实权。

    Never imagine that rank confers genuine authority .

  6. 在会谈中他的话表明他毫无实权。

    What he said in the talk showed he was a man of straw .

  7. 名义上他是领导者,但实际上是别人掌握实权。

    He was nominally the leader , but others actually wielded the power .

  8. 当然,它不是世界上最好的,不像一个亿万CEO或拥有实权的国会议员那样。

    Sure , its not the worlds greatest , doesnt have all the bells and whistles like a billionaire CEO or congress person is entitled too , but they have something .

  9. 华尔街实权派之间的争权夺利常常堪比莎翁剧作,也唯有莎翁才能将当前盛传的高盛(GoldmanSachs)顶层的尔虞我诈还原出来。

    Shakespearean is a trope often used to describe the machinations of Wall Street power players , but only the Bard could do justice to the treacheries reportedly playing out at the top of Goldman Sachs .

  10. 在北美,杰克•史密斯得应付他的董事们、实权在握的老板们和美国联合汽车工会(UAW)。

    In North America , Jack Smith had to deal with his directors , powerful functional bosses , and the UAW .

  11. 西班牙采取了一种更不寻常的做法,掌握实权的西班牙工业旅游贸易大臣米格尔塞瓦斯蒂安(miguelsebastian)督促西班牙人购买更多的本国产品。

    Spain has taken a more unusual approach , with Miguel Sebastian , the powerful minister of industry , trade and tourism , urging Spaniards to buy more local products .

  12. 但华盛顿大学的PepperSchwart说,为了使性罢工这样的活动产生效果,妇女必须得到实权。

    But Pepper Schwartz at the University of Washington says women need to hold real power in order for something like a sex strike to work . PEPPER SCHWARTZ : " They only work to the amount of power women have in a society .

  13. 但拥有实权的开曼群岛金融管理局(CIMA)提出的新提案,将对过去的模式做出重大改变。

    New proposals from the islands ' all-powerful Cayman Islands Monetary Authority , however , will make for a significant departure from past form .

  14. 为应对这些关切,实权在握的中央规划机构国家发改委(ndrc)上周宣布,将允许各省市利用债券融资支持保障性住房建设。

    Trying to address those concerns , the national development and Reform Commission , a powerful central planning agency , said last week that it would allow provinces and cities to issue bonds to fund the development of affordable housing .

  15. 近几周,两家中国集团已就这些可能的交易,与中国国家发改委(NDRC)加强了商讨。发改委是掌握实权的中国机构,可阻止被其认定为不符合国家利益的海外投资。

    The Chinese groups have in recent weeks stepped up discussions about the possible deals with the National Development and Reform Commission , an all-powerful Chinese body that can block outbound investment it deems not to be in the national interest .

  16. 他还将首都从京都搬到了当时的江户(Edo,即现在的东京),将毫无实权的天皇抛在身后。他在江户设立朝廷,并迅速将它从小渔村建成一个大都市。

    He also moved the capital from Kyoto , leaving the powerless emperor behind , to the coastal town that he called Edo and that is now Tokyo , setting up a court there that quickly transformed the town from a tiny fishing village into a metropolis .

  17. 他只是一个傀儡,并不掌握多少实权。

    He was a figure-head and didn 't exercise much power .

  18. 政府内部的一群握有实权的精英控制着对外政策。

    The power elite inside the government is controlling foreign policy .

  19. 对环境侵权的认定和防治必须要有实权部门的介入。

    On environmental tort identification and prevention must have powerful ministries involved .

  20. 我们只是站在学者和实权人物的边上。

    We just stand on the sidelines beside the academics and carp .

  21. --宇宙大总统手中没有实权。

    The President of the Universe holds no real power .

  22. 上一个掌握实权的政府在1991年被赶下了台。

    The most recent functioning government was swept away in1991 .

  23. 他空有高官的派头却并无实权。

    He have the trappings of high office but no real power .

  24. 首相是奥地利政府最有实权的人。

    The chancellor is the most powerful man in the Austrian government .

  25. 但是单单和实权人物打交道并不重要。

    But simply hobnobbing with the powerful isn 't important .

  26. 伊拉克临管会的实权在哪里

    What Are the Real Powers of the Iraqi Governing Council Meeting at Night

  27. 白崇禧将军被任命为国防部长,这是一个没有什么实权的职务。

    General Pai was appointed defense minister , a post with little meaning .

  28. 但是从布鲁塞尔收回实权可能最终只是个空想。

    But the prospect of repatriating real powers from Brussels may prove fanciful .

  29. 他们对这个世界的实权之争注定要失败。

    Their grab for real power in this world was doomed to failure .

  30. 他是他们组织中的实权人物。

    He is the strong man in their organization .