
  1. 范晔的文学审美论及其贡献

    On Fan Ye 's Literary Aesthetics and His Contribution

  2. 范晔的悲剧正反映了南朝士族阶层的退化。

    FanYe ' tragedy reflected degeneration of the the Elite Intellectuals in South Dynasties .

  3. 范晔(398&445)是我国南朝刘宋时期著名的历史学家。

    Fan Ye ( 398 & 445 ) is a prominent historian of Liu Song period in the Nan Dynasty .

  4. 这一关系,在《后汉书》的著者范晔那儿也能得到证实。

    The relationship is also put to the proof by Fan Ye , the writer of The History of the Late Han Dynasty .

  5. 范晔《狱中与诸甥侄书》是其文学美学思想的集中表述,也是中古文学美学史的经典文献。

    His Letters to my Nephews Written in Prison , being itself classic literature in literary aesthetics , contains most of his thoughts in the concerned field .