
cǎo mào
  • straw hat
草帽 [cǎo mào]
  • [straw hat] 草织或草编的帽子

草帽[cǎo mào]
  1. 我死也不会戴草帽。

    I wouldn 't be seen dead in a straw hat .

  2. 他戴了顶草帽,以免正在谢顶的脑袋被太阳晒到。

    He wore a straw hat to keep his balding head from getting sunburned .

  3. 他戴着一顶巴拿马草帽,穿着一身挺括的白西装。

    He wore a panama hat and a crisp white suit

  4. 他摘下草帽不停地呼扇。

    He took off his straw hat and fanned himself with it .

  5. 两个戴着可笑草帽的农妇神情庄重地牵着漂亮的暗灰色的毛驴走了过去。

    Two peasant women with funny straw hats passed , gravely , leading beautiful smoke-colored donkey .

  6. Mexico草帽小波与电离层CT反演

    Mexico hat wavelet and reconstruction of computerized ionospheric tomography

  7. 6月初,伊顿公学(EtonCollege)的男生们聚在泰晤士河边,观看头戴鲜花装点的草帽的同学进行划船比赛。

    Around the beginning of June at Eton College , boys gather on the banks of the Thames to watch classmates wearing flower-festooned straw hats row past .

  8. 可以利用小波外推方法估值,但是小波函数的选择具有多样性,文中选用比较常用的Mexico草帽小波进行外推。

    In this paper , the wavelet extrapolation method for estimate is used . The choice of wavelet function is various , the familiar Mexico hat wavelet is used in extrapolation .

  9. 运用Mexico草帽子波对南极臭氧总量月平均资料进行了子波分析,墨西哥草帽子波所揭示的不同尺度下的突变点均表现为过零点(零距平)的拐点。

    The method of wavelet transformation is applied to the analysis of monthly mean total ozone in Antarctica . The jump points of different hierarchies which revealed by Mexico Hat Wavelet is shown as cusps of zero points .

  10. 本文正是利用小波变换后尺度之间的相互关系,提出了一种基于墨西哥草帽小波变换不同尺度之间关系的ECG信号QRS复合波检测方法。

    Basing on the analysis of these scale results , a new QRS detection method was presented , in which the relations of different scales were applied to obtain a wavelet transform template after Mexican hat wavelet was implemented to the ECG signal .

  11. MadewellxBiltmore巴拿马草帽,售价47英镑,非常受欢迎,现在已经是脱销商品了。而梅根同款SarahFlint凉鞋现在也只有35码(英国尺码2.5)的了。

    The £ 47 Madewell x Biltmore Panama hat has proved so popular it is listed as out of stock , while Meghan 's Sarah Flint sandals are only available in a size 35 ( UK 2.5 ) .

  12. Chesapeake湾撞击坑主要形态像一顶倒置的宽边大草帽,包括外缘、环状洼地、峰环(内缘)、内盆和中央峰。

    The crater is like an inverted " sombreo ", and the principal morphological features include the outer rim , annular trough , peak ring ( inner rim ), inner basin and central peak .

  13. 由于外形酷似草帽而得名的“草帽星系”编号为M104,它拥有显著的尘埃带,还有恒星和球状星团组成的明亮星系晕。

    Named the Sombrero Galaxy for its hat-like resemblance , M104 features a prominent dust lane and a bright halo of stars and globular clusters .

  14. 手工编织的草帽,在屋前排好队,进行日光浴。

    Hand-woven straw hats take a sunbath under the hot sun .

  15. 她穿了一套传统样式的海军装,戴了一顶草帽。

    She wore a classic navy suit and a straw hat .

  16. 我们不得不穿戴上凉鞋和草帽。

    We had to wear simple clothes like sandals and caps .

  17. 草帽星系位于2800万光年以外。

    The Sombrero galaxy is located some 28 million light-years away .

  18. 草帽是用草的茎做成的。

    Straw hats are made from the stems of grass plants .

  19. 10.参考译文:男:那顶好看的草帽是不是又轻又结实?

    M : Is that nice-looking straw hat light and strong ?

  20. 至于面料,推荐适合夏天的草帽。

    Among various fabrics , the summer-friendly straw is recommended .

  21. 当地居民制作花式草帽出售。

    The local people made fancy straw hats for sale .

  22. 激情的爬杆、钻圈、草帽!

    The climbing pole . Passion , Drilling circle , Straw hat !

  23. 隔着草帽,他的头发已经全湿。

    His hair under his straw hat was sopping wet .

  24. 克莉丝汀:好吧,好吧,这顶草帽怎么样?

    Christine : Okay , okay , how about this straw hat ?

  25. 他那顶草帽时髦地斜扣在头上。

    His straw hat stuck jauntily on the side of his head .

  26. 丈夫:亲爱的,你真的喜欢这顶草帽吗?

    Husband : Do you really like this straw hat , dear ?

  27. 人们看到埃里克身穿法兰绒裤,头戴仿制巴拿马草帽。

    Erik had been seen in flannels and an imitation Panama hat .

  28. 马和草帽有什么关系?

    What have horses to do with a straw hat ?

  29. 萨拉戴了顶宽帽缘的草帽。

    Sarah wore a straw hat with a wide brim .

  30. 她戴着一顶扁平的硬边黑草帽。

    She wore a sailor hat of black straw .