
  • 网络rushes;Mat rush;common rush
  1. 宁波区域蔺草生产现状及技术改进探讨

    Production Present Situation and Technique Improvement Inquisition of Mat Rush in Ningbo

  2. 辐照处理对蔺草苗期生理生化特性的影响

    Practice for dosimetry in a gamma irradition facility for radiation processing ? EFFECT OF IRRADIATION ON PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL PROPERTY OF MAT RUSH SEEDLINGS

  3. 通过蔺草不同接种部位、消毒方法、诱导与分化培养基筛选、激素与pH调整等试验,明确了蔺草组织培养外植体适当的接种部位,恰当的消毒方法与适宜的培养基配方。

    By tests of different inoculation sites and sterilization mode s , selections of induction and regeneration media , adjustment of hormone and pH , we have defined suitable inoculation site , proper sterilization mode and appropriate medium for tissue . culture of common rush .

  4. 蔺草染土粉尘的特性及职业危害

    Characteristics of Rush - Mat Dust and Its Occupational Hazard

  5. 日本蔺草对气候因子反应特性的研究

    Studies on Response Characteristics of Japanese Rush to Climatic Factors

  6. 蔺草茎分生组织的组织培养

    Tissue Culture of Stem Meristem of Juncus effusus var. decipiens

  7. 蔺草染土粉尘对工人健康影响的研究

    Effects of rush-mat dust on the health of exposed workers

  8. 蔺草加工业尘肺发病及综合防治策略研究

    Study on prevalence of pneumoconiosis by rush-dust and its comprehensive control strategy

  9. 蔺草染土粉尘对工人肺功能的影响

    Pulmonary Function of the Workers Exposed to Rush-mat Dust

  10. 蔺草固色用染土改性及粉尘污染控制研究

    Study on Modifying of Rush Fixation Dyed Earth and Controlling of Dust Pollution

  11. 蔺草固色用染土及表面膜层结构分析

    Analysis of dyed earth and rush surface membranous structure

  12. 日本蔺草的开花特性及低温对开花的影响

    Flowering Characteristics and Effect of Low Temperature on Flowering in Japanese Mat Rush

  13. 植物动力2003在蔺草冈山3号上的应用效果

    Effect of plant power 2003 on Mat Rush

  14. 蔺草田晚稻绿黄隆药害解除试验初报

    A Primary Report of the Lu Huang Long Chemical Damage Relieves to the Late Rice

  15. 蔺草生长特性及氮磷钾配比、用量的研究

    Studying on Growing Characteristics and Applied Amount of N , P and K Fertilizers in Rush

  16. 蔺草开花与温光条件关系的数学分析及模拟模型

    Mathematical Analysis and Simulation Model of Relations of Mat Rush Flowering to Light and Temperature Conditions

  17. 目的研究蔺草染土粉尘的特性及其对作业场所环境污染的特点。

    Objective To evaluate the characteristics of Rush mat dust and its pollution to work site environment .

  18. 结论蔺草加工业粉尘污染十分严重,预防措施和管理须及时加强。

    Conclusion The dust pollution is so much serious that some preventive and controlling measures must be taken .

  19. 通过对浙江省宁波市蔺草田水竹叶杂草多年的观察及调查,明确蔺草田杂草优势种水竹叶的区域分布、形态特征、发生规律和危害程度;

    The occurrence , morphology , damage and distribution of the dominant weed Murdannia triquetra in junci effusus field is ensured by the several years abservation of its occurrence in Ningbo Zhejiang province ;

  20. 文章对蔺草品种多、乱、杂,耕作粗放,秧苗培育标准不高等,致使草茎的质量不高的问题作了分析。

    The reason of Mat rush stalk quantity not high was analyzed , such as the species many , confusion and congestion , extensive cultivation , and the standard of seedling cultivation not high , grass harms etc.

  21. 结果蔺草加工业车间粉尘总尘平均浓度为20.88mg/m3,呼吸性粉尘浓度为8.38mg/m3,以进仓、拔草等工序最为严重,污染重的工种多为外地民工。

    Results The mean general dust concentration was 20 . 88mg / m3 and the respirable dust concentration reaches 8 . 38mg / m3 . The dust pollution was serious , especially in store plants and selected plants .
