
yíng guāng tàn zhēn
  • fluorescence probe;fluorescent probe
  1. 荧光探针法研究色氨酸二肽与DNA的相互作用

    Study on the interaction of trp-trp and DNA by fluorescence probe

  2. 首次利用酪氨酸作为荧光探针研究DNA。

    Tyrosine was first used as the fluorescence probe for DNA research .

  3. 此外,研究了罗丹明B和亚甲基兰两种荧光探针在头发表面的吸附情况。

    Also the absorption of Rhodamine B and Methylene blue on hair were studied .

  4. 微束微区X荧光探针仪的机械系统设计

    Mechanical System Design of the Microbeam and Microdomains X-ray Probe Analyzer

  5. 自猝灭荧光探针法测定DNA

    Determination of DNA by a Self-quenching Fluorescence Probe

  6. P(DEAM-co-MAA)在稀水溶液中构象行为的荧光探针研究

    Fluorescence Probe Studies on the Conformation Behavior of P ( DEAM-co - MAA ) in Dilute Aqueous Solution

  7. 微束微区X荧光探针分析仪在矿石微粒分析中的应用

    Apply of Micro-beam Micro-district X Fluorescent Probe Analyzer in Tiny Particles Analysis

  8. 新型细胞Ca~(2+)荧光探针的设计合成研究

    Design and Synthesis of Novel Fluorescent Intracellular Ca ~( 2 + ) Probes

  9. 芘荧光探针法研究C(60)-胶束水溶液体系的微环境性质

    Study on the microenvironment properties of c_ ( 60 ) - micellar aqueous solution using pyrene as a fluorescence probe

  10. 基于去保护机理的新型H2O2荧光探针的制备及应用

    Synthesis and Application of Novel H_2O_2 Fluorescent Probe Based on the Deprotection Mechanism

  11. 在生物医用材料方面的应用主要包括抗肿瘤药物、DNA荧光探针和荧光分子开关;

    The applications in the biomedical materials included mainly anticancer drugs , DNA fluorescence probe and fluorescence molecular switch .

  12. 同时,本论文还阐述了新型荧光素类pH值荧光探针的设计合成及光谱性质测定。

    Design , synthesis and spectral properties of new pH probes were also discussed in this thesis .

  13. 荧光探针定量PCR及其临床应用

    Fluorescence Quantitative PCR and its Clinical Application

  14. 在SDS存在下以利凡诺为荧光探针测定DNA

    Determination of DNA using Rivanol as the Fluorescent Probe in the Presence of SDS

  15. 文章用Tb3+离子作为荧光探针,检测了三链DNA的形成。

    The rare earth ion Tb 3 + was used as the fluorescence probe to detect the formation of triplex DNA .

  16. 着重介绍了DNA荧光探针、纳米金的特性、合成方法及其在DNA检测中的应用。

    DNA fluorescent probe , the properties of GNPs and their applications in DNA detection are described in detail . 2 .

  17. 基于PET机理的Hg~(2+)荧光探针的设计和应用研究

    Study on the Design and Application of the Fluorescence Sensors for Mercury (ⅱ) Based on PET

  18. 以罗丹明B和荧光素钠为荧光探针,考察了微流控芯片的电荷选择能力。

    Rhodamine B and fluorescein sodium were used as fluorescence probes to study the charge separation capacity of this micro / nanofluidic device .

  19. 方法采用一种完全闭管式的PCR和荧光探针杂交技术相结合的实时检测定量PCR方法来检测358份临床血清标本。

    Method FQ-PCR , which combines PCR and fluorescence probe hybridization , was used to measure HBV-DNA .

  20. 应用荧光探针H2DCF-DA检测光照致细胞内活性氧产生的初步研究

    Detection of ROS Induced by Light Irradiation in Endothelial Cell During Light Irradiation Applying H_2DCF DA ∶ A Preliminary Study

  21. 这一结果给我们提供了利用ICT效应构筑比例计量型pH荧光探针的思路。

    This result provides us a strategy to construct ratiometric fluorescent probes with ICT effect .

  22. 芘荧光探针法研究海藻酸钠与SDS的作用

    Interaction between sodium alginate and sodium dodecyl sulfate probed by pyrene fluorescence

  23. 应用钙黄绿素-藏红T为荧光探针,建立了新的DNA测定方法。

    Using Calcein-Safranine T as a new donor-acceptor pair , a novel fluorescence energy transfer system for the rapid determination of DNA was developed .

  24. 荧光探针定量PCR在检测HBV-DNA的应用

    Application of Fluorescence Quantitative PCR ( FQ-PCR ) in Detection of Hepatitis B Virus

  25. 本文运用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜和荧光探针技术,检测分裂细胞内DNA、RNA分布和含量的变化。

    Morphology of the cell division and its content of DNA and RNA were measured under the laser scanning confocal microscope .

  26. 吖啶橙(AO)-藏红T(ST)荧光探针测定DNA的研究

    No impact of St. study on the determination of DNA using acridine orange Safranine T as fluorescence probe

  27. 利用海萤荧光素及其类似物作荧光探针来标记细胞或DNA,直接监控活体细胞内的细胞活动和基因活动,这一方面的理论研究还是一个崭新的研究课题。

    Using Cypridina luciferin analogues to label cell nucleus or DNA as probe and monitor living cell and gene activity is a new research subject .

  28. 脂筏对GABAB受体的调控机制研究和GABAB受体活性荧光探针开发

    Study on the Modulatory Mechanism of GABA_B Receptors by Lipid Rafts and Development of Activity-based Fluorescent Probe Targeting to GABA_B Receptors

  29. 并初步尝试了使用不同的染料为荧光探针和猝灭剂,测定胶束的聚集数N。

    Aggregation numbers of micelle ( N ) of CTAB were determined by steady-state fluorescence probe method in which RB was used as fluorescence probe and quencher .

  30. 以富Cd2+的CdS量子点为荧光探针,选择性地检测半胱氨酸。

    The cadmium-capped CdS quantum dots were used as fluorescence probes for the selective determination of cysteine .