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  • Fluorescent pigment;fluorochrome
  1. 用Ca2+荧光色素Flou-3/AM负荷原代培养的大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞,在共聚焦激光显微镜下观察细胞内Ca2+对各种缩血管物质反应的非均一性。

    Primary cultured vascular smooth muscle cells ( VSMCs ) in rat pulmonary artery were loaded with Ca fluorescent dye fluo-3 / AM . The heterogeneous responses of intracellular calcium to several vasoactive stimulants were observed under confocal laser microscope .

  2. 那些被重新发射的光线与蝴蝶翅膀上的荧光色素相互作用,就产生了明亮的蓝绿色。相隔长距离的蝴蝶用这种明亮的颜色进行相互沟通。

    The re-emitted light interacts with fluorescent pigments found on the butterflies ' wings to produce the vibrant green-blue color .

  3. 该类荧光色素对中浓度醇类溶剂具有良好的溶解性,而对高浓度的醇溶剂溶解性较差。

    This type of fluorescent pigment had good solubility in the solvent of moderate concentration of alcohol , but poor in the high concentration .

  4. 但,其性连锁遗传机理及雌雄间荧光色素代谢差异等,目前均尚不清楚。

    However , the genetic mechanism of the sex-linked and fluorescent pigment metabolism differences between male and female and so on are not clear yet .

  5. 内标法有染料标记、放射性同位素标记、荧光色素可见标记和被动整合雷达标记等,内标法的标记保留率较高,但成本也较高。

    The internal tags including dyes , radioactive isotopes , visible implant elastomer tag and passive integrated transponder have higher retention as well as high cost .

  6. 家蝇飞翔肌线粒体超氧化物歧化酶活性及荧光衰老色素含量的年龄变化的研究

    Studies on the ageing changes of the activity of mito - Chondrial superoxide dismutase from housefly flight MU-SCLE and of the contents of fluorescence age pigments

  7. 纸上色层分析和HPLC分析结果都证明,构成蚕茧荧光色的色素种类,雌雄间并不存在显著的差异。

    Both the results of the paper chromatography and HPLC analysis showed that the fluorescence pigment types had no significant difference between male and female .

  8. 直接免疫荧光及黑色素染色鉴定新生组织的种属来源。

    Melanin staining and immunofluorescence were performed to identify the tissue origin .

  9. 用同步荧光法研究细胞色素C在水溶液中的存在形态

    Studies on States of Cytochrome C Molecules in Aquous Solutions Using Synchronous Fluorescence Spectroscopy

  10. 人为模拟干旱条件下,研究了黄连木、清香木幼苗的叶片相对含水量(RWC)、荧光和光合色素的变化情况,同时对胁迫后期两树种幼苗的生存率也进行了调查分析。

    Under the artificial arid condition , the changes of the relative leaf water content , the chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic pigment content of Pistacia weinmannifolia and Pistacia chinensis were studied .

  11. 荧光法测定浮游植物色素计算公式的修正

    Correction of the formula to convert fluorescence measurement to phaeophorbide a concentration in acidification method